Riot needs to address the Tejo issue

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I understand making new agents powerful, I even prefer it. But the real problem with his kit is that it takes 0.01% of skill to use, if he was op but hard to use fine. The only thing you can't do make it brain numbingly easy to use. A direct map placed double molly that does that much damage AND is Tejo's main ability so its on cooldown is just not good for pro play. We will see what they do to figure it out but it seems like the idea of it is just kind of too good, and any nerfs to it might just make it unusable like changes they've made to other agents in the past rapidly after agent release or strong agent buff.


if it was that easy, everyone would be frying
but half of the guys playing him looked kinda meh


there is an actual skill gap rn, 100T and SEN looked insane on tejo

Paraplant [#2]

if it was that easy, everyone would be frying
but half of the guys playing him looked kinda meh

nah, it's like entirely reliant on the strats they prepped. it takes literally zero skill or brain to use his abilities on the spot

Paraplant [#2]

if it was that easy, everyone would be frying
but half of the guys playing him looked kinda meh

obviously it's going to take to for the majority of teams, but he will definitely be a meta agent once he is out longer and people get more play time, also it's not so much that it's incredibly too good, just how powerful it is to clear space, stop plants, stop ults, break util on maps for how easy it is seems to good, I might be wrong

Paraplant [#2]

if it was that easy, everyone would be frying
but half of the guys playing him looked kinda meh

he even is a hard counter to awp now the awper has to leave an angle , which means u can save flash or stun deep into the round

jawn [#3]

there is an actual skill gap rn, 100T and SEN looked insane on tejo

100T should have used tejo more. On split both tejos cancelled out as Cryo on sage carried but on Bind and Pearl JohnQT carried so hard.

Ldrago [#6]

he even is a hard counter to awp now the awper has to leave an angle , which means u can save flash or stun deep into the round

Also another great point that just makes him better in all the ways you don't normally think of, it's just to easy to use. combo it was a stun too and its so hard to get out of those situations

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