Kj is just not working anymore coz of this agent. Cypher is pretty bad rn, never would I have ever thought that we would see a day where picking vyse, sage and deadlock is actually better picks on most maps than cypher and kj like what
shrike- [#2]i've legitimately never seen a whole agent get so hard countered by a single piece of util it makes no sense
Exactly BWAHAHAHA I just don't get why riot does this
ark2 [#4]while i agree that tejo needs the nerf (personally i think just making the salvo non-rechargeable is enough), i dont mind cypher and kj having less play than vyse and deadlock, its new and interesting
Yeah, this is the part of this meta that I LOVE because since the beginning if this game, we'll finally get very unique comps and new agents shine rn