1v1 Defuse the spike situation

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I just have to rant because I have seen countless blunders in 1v1 situations as a defender, even in Immortal elo. Now that Clove is meta you will usually be able to use a smoke for the defuse.

The biggest blunder I see is when the defender tries to full-stick the spike in a 1v1. They defuse about 3/4 of the way, and then the attacker walks in the smoke and kills them. Had they gotten the defuse to half, and then simply gotten off it and played by the edge of the smoke, then they would have killed the attacker walking in.

Two examples of me playing the spike correctly:

The idea is the attacker always has to check a spike that's smoked because the defender could be full sticking the spike. A defender that assumes the attacker won't check the smoked spike is just leaving the round up to chance. The defender has an ENORMOUS advantage waiting inside the smoke for an attacker to walk in. They also have an advantage if the attacker begins shooting outside of the smoke since it reveals their position.

Ironically the only time you should ever full-stick the spike is when the spike isn't smoked and you have no info on the position of the attacker. You should full-stick because you are already at a big disadvantage. You should also full-stick when you have reasonable belief that the attacker is wrapping you. Gahh there are so many layers to the 1v1 post plant situation, especially because you can defuse the spike to half. I could probably write a novel on this!


I just play Gekko tbh


in the first clip you still would have fully sticked if you didnt stop


I agree with this the one time somebody did this I lost a 1v5 lol

composthe [#3]

in the first clip you still would have fully sticked if you didnt stop

Yes but full sticking leaves the round up to chance. What if the Reyna came out sooner?

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