teams complaining about other teams bundle sales being better???
teams complaining about other teams bundle sales being better???
zephyrara [#3]ok man...
yo im sorry zephyara i know your passionate about this my fault bro, me personally out of those 4in the link (i havent seen the other 40) 100t is the best
Realm3098 [#4]Why don't they hire good artists and make beautiful capsules then. These bottom teams should focus more on capsules and sales than their roster but these mfs are complaining instead lol
rito small indie cumpany
cannot hire good artists
Froggy0_0 [#6]rito small indie cumpany
cannot hire good artists
Their budget went to hiring s tier songwriter and singers
Cryptic88 [#7]Their budget went to hiring s tier songwriter and singers
by s tier
i am guessing you mean shit tier besides some good ones like ericdoa
Froggy0_0 [#9]by s tier
i am guessing you mean shit tier besides some good ones like ericdoa
So linkin park and imagine dragons are shit tier?
Cryptic88 [#10]So linkin park and imagine dragons are shit tier?
i did not know they partenerd with linkin park
my apologies
elysxxm [#5]yo im sorry zephyara i know your passionate about this my fault bro, me personally out of those 4in the link (i havent seen the other 40) 100t is the best
100t not bad but I like heretics shiny white