Skuba (Most likely)
grisx23 [#2]Nismo and TDawgg?
what is this roster lol
How are there still Nismo doubters in big 2025
lorenzopajaroFC [#6]They’re really gonna separate nightz and canezerra while letting that ugly freak tdawgg on the team
I know there’d be a role clash with reduxx but cane is pretty flexible, or reduxx could start flexing right now if he has any intentions of replacing zellsis
no igl unfortunately, i don't like tdawgg too cause he acts all high and mighty
1243 [#7]no igl unfortunately, i don't like tdawgg too cause he acts all high and mighty
Run those rankers strats fuck it, there’s also the replace nismo option but he’s too good to do that (albeit i do think he has been on a slow and steady decline)
Oh well then, i’m sure those two will reunite eventually, really want to see a cane/nightz vs lukxo/sato rivalry in the future