Vct and VCL salaries

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Guys I know that vct t1 teams have to give a minimum of 5k dollars monthly to a player according to riot and valorant guidelines. But what abt VCL , they don't have that restriction in VCL do they, now I know america pays t2 good and I don't care abt EMEA but what VCL of countries like Japan, korea , indonesia , singapore, malaysia, how much do they pay monthly for a decently good player, someone's who's not too good or not bad either., I am particularly interested to know abt japan and Korean salary




teams dont disclose their player's salary, the players don't like disclosing their salary because why would they?
Established orgs would pay a decent amount but i bet its usually paid in consideration of their achievements, team's prospect in winning challengers, etc.


Ik that much buddy , I wanted to know a range like usually we know a range like in case of Americas teams


Well, how would you get a range if they are kept more secret than the Americas team? You already have the answer to your question. There aren't any leaks or stuff like that in APAC, let alone KR/JP.


Well in Indian T2 scene it's about Rs70k to max 1.5 lakhs can vary if there are imports from EU/US


Yeah I know Indian t2 dude that's why didn't mention india in there


My guess is Jp probably one of the highest but isn't as high as people think. Kr salaries are lower than people expect imo.

from there just based them off of the size. Fennel Scarz and Riddle probably pays well while smaller orgs pays smaller wages.

It's just guesses tho


Mexican VCL is in shambles rn
Apparently in order to LIVE these guys gotta boost accounts because LATAM N Org salaries are hot garbage
Tournament organizers noticed this and ONLY banned 3 players which is very small because apparently A good chunk of the players in the league were DOING IT.
I just wanna see my Chivas dominate the entire Americas tier 2 bro T<T


Tier 2 salaries in Japan range from 200,000 to 800,000 JPY per month. (about 1260 to 5100 USD). 800,000 JPY is a very large amount of money for a tier 2 player, slightly higher than the minimum salary in tier 1. However, most players will be stuck at the bottom, and only a few imports and star players will be able to earn high salaries.

In Korea, it's hard to say what the average amount is because there is so much disparity between the orgs. More than half of the teams are unorganized teams. They don't get paid, and even if they have sponsors, they're lucky to get some pocket money.

On the other hand, organized teams like fearx, dk, ns, and academy teams should be able to pay a stable salary. The amount is unknown, but for reference, the LCK Challengers, which all of those teams participate in, has a minimum of 20,000,000 krw (about 13650 usd) per year. Keep in mind that some players are paid more than the minimum, and for richer organizations like t1 academy, they'll be paid more, and it could be on par with the tier 1 minimum. If so, they would be the most expensive tier 2 players.

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