What if they make a new agent and one of the ability cuts all audio for the other team in a certain radius?
isnt that just a fade ult
shit u might be right. >:( what if the new agent has an ability where he doesnt make any sound when he runs for a certain amount of time or something :(
yoru in ult
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like u can die, only thing you can do is just run without noise :(
worse yoru ult
Ye cuz its normal ability
yoru in ult, but not invisible and invincible
so a caveira clone from R6?
i have never played r6 :(
u just described fade ult except worse
I suspect a henbabyh alt
333triplethreat has been a OG user
omg thanks bro no one is forgetting my name too, so if u see me once, ur gonna remember me forever
bro stole rhixcals whole flow