I have exactly 1775vp and I don't want to spent anymore right now. right now only aemondir , magepunk and reaver sheriff is available but I never had any sheriff skin in my life and I am a new player.
Which skin is best according to you guys?
imo the best is singularity the best in that list is reaver for me
neo frontier or mystbloom
ion sherrif + yoru buddy clears everything in this game
jawn [#4] ion sherrif + yoru buddy clears everything in this game
maybe a hot take but i think ion is one of the worst purple skinlines
saebr [#5] maybe a hot take but i think ion is one of the worst purple skinlines
tiananmen square
jawn [#6] tiananmen square
dude wtf
welikefortniteandvalorant [#7] dude wtf
o7 saebr , they taking bro to a detention camp as we speak
jawn [#8] o7 saebr , they taking bro to a detention camp as we speak
Disastered [#9] wtf
That's fucked up.
Skins are subjective, I think altitude sheriff is gas but the average player thinks its trash. Pick what you like.
Minima sheriff