i mean sure they could've handled it better by turning off pings after spike plant but if it works and postplants arent smoke spray fest i legit don't care
CHEEEZPUFZEZ [#7]Iron 1 here. This change is for the better of the game and needed to happen. I understand people being upset but it does not mean the change did not need to happen.
W iron 1 player
Ppl are mad at this not bc they are low ranked Its just bc it is hard for a team to have all 5 players constantly comming to their team
Having ping is way easier for comp games especially in EU and PAC servers cause not everyone uses english as their game language and sometimes they dont know the callouts (EG I heard examples from apac players talking abt they pinging places for the teammates to smoke off the bat for plays)
Yistyy [#6]Getting rid of map pings are dumb asf. Now i might as well scroll on my phone after dying instead of helping.
you should've been doing that from the start most of teammates pings get me killed from timings
localkoolkid [#12]bc instead of fixing the shit maps now you are forced to play in worse positions, you are now pretty much forced to play on site for Sunset and Peral long, which is good, but taking pings out was not the method.
fixing a map isn't as easy as you people make it out to be one little change can cause so much shit not even including bugs agent interactions comps how you defend and attack and where you play so they need to solve big problems with small changes they can test before people go crazy
one change to fix valorant's biggest problem right now is 100% worth it guess what it legit doesn't matter what happens to ranked it will always be shit no matter what happens legit zero games have a good ranked system because you can't make it every single player has there own way of playing and wanting to do things
jixk [#14]fixing a map isn't as easy as you people make it out to be one little change can cause so much shit not even including bugs agent interactions comps how you defend and attack and where you play so they need to solve big problems with small changes they can test before people go crazy
one change to fix valorant's biggest problem right now is 100% worth it guess what it legit doesn't matter what happens to ranked it will always be shit no matter what happens legit zero games have a good ranked system because you can't make it every single player has there own way of playing and wanting to do things
Shouldve considered about bad postplants on maps when you aready have terrible examples on sunset
jixk [#13]you should've been doing that from the start most of teammates pings get me killed from timings
I don't play in bronze elo like you tho.
Yistyy [#19]I don't play in bronze elo like you tho.
use your mic Mr.high elo player :D
first W change in awhile no wonder riot doesn't do shit about most of the issues in there game no matter what they do they can't win