Won champs and fell hard no?
its off season relax but if you're baiting then you got me. 8/8
Every team has fallen off after winning Champs
Level [#3] Every team has fallen off after winning Champs
It's offseason we don't know yet
Harapan845 [#4] loud?
basically disbanded, same with EG
sexocum [#6] basically disbanded, same with EG
they got to a final of the next international tournament
sexocum [#5] It's offseason we don't know yet
Harapan845 [#8] they got to a final of the next international tournament
and then proceeded to win americas
Yep it's confirmed.
We do know though
what did Loud win?
Level [#13] what did Loud win?
Americas league
those who know 💀💀💀