Moist x Shopify Moist x Shopify Inactive Pa1nt Amarri Peak Spaz Adam Laamoumi Paincakes Jake Hass BcJ Brendan Jensen brawk Brock Somerhalder has announced their return to Valorant with a fully refreshed lineup. They have signed Brendan "BcJ" Jensen, Amarri "Pa1nt" Peak, Adam "Spaz" Laamoumi, and Jake "Paincakes" Hass, with Brock "brawk" Somerhalder being their only returning player. Erik "vapen" Sutton and Franklin "FIN" Ascencio have also been signed as the head and assistant coach respectively.

Moist X Shopify has been a prominent force in North American challengers. After being signed midway through 2023, they quickly ascended to a top team in the league. However, come playoffs, they would be eliminated in third place by the two eventual Ascension finalists, missing the tournament by just one game. In 2024, MXS were strong contenders for Ascension, once again proving themselves as a top team throughout the year. For a second time though, they could not maintain their success into playoffs, and once again were eliminated in third place, missing Ascension by the exact same margin two years in a row.

After elimination, the roster was scattered to the winds, leaving brawk as the sole returning member. In his third year under the Moist banner, he will be joined by a wealth of fellow tier two prospects. BcJ is the most experienced among them, having attended Champions with XSET XSET Inactive in 2022, as well as reaching Ascension finals with M80 M80 North America Unranked Kyu Mirel Braco Hrustemovic Sato Eduardo Kenzo Nagahama Sato bao Okeanos Anthony Nguyen bdog Brandon Sanders . Spaz and Paincakes were both a part of playoff caliber teams in North America's 2024 Challengers league, while Pa1nt was given a brief taste of VCT as a stand-in for MIBR MIBR Brazil Unranked artzin Arthur Araujo xenom Eduardo Soeiro cortezia Gabriel Cortez Verno Andrew Maust aspas Erick Santos .

MXS will debut their new roster in Stage 3 of the North American Challengers league on November 22.

Moist x Shopify Moist x Shopify Inactive Pa1nt Amarri Peak Spaz Adam Laamoumi Paincakes Jake Hass BcJ Brendan Jensen brawk Brock Somerhalder are now: