not even funny
not even a good ace
its just the agent bro
can we remove this shit already
NA_BEST_COUNTRY [#2]"you can't say neon is broken when sym is on 4 kills, also on neon" - some guy in twitch chat just now
neon is broken and sym is broken in another way
someone fix sym and someone remove neon
i_am_mako [#3]polvi tweet was true this is a tactical shooting game not fucking overwatch
I dunno if youre listening but streets say this game is gonna have regenerative shields in the next update...
NA_BEST_COUNTRY [#2]"you can't say neon is broken when sym is on 4 kills, also on neon" - some guy in twitch chat just now
Like how do people not get a simple point that if you Nd other common people can't abuse it bcz it has a very high skill ceiling it doesn't make an agent any less busted just that it can only be exploited by a smaller population but those who can completely ruin the game for whole opp team in server
babushka_boii95 [#5]I dunno if youre listening but streets say this game is gonna have regenerative shields in the next update...
wait really they are slowly making this a cartoon game if it's true