How many of them play Video Games, specifically?
i dont know the exact number.
i have just watched epsorts for 20 years and i know i have never seen a female good enough for t1.
i dont think females are "Lazy" and only the "Unskilled ones" are trying.
so that leads me to believe that there is a difference between men and woman when it comes to the ultra top levels of esports.
much like there is a difference between men and woman in the ultra high levels of REAL sports.
no, but i have been paid to play 2 different esports in my career.
i have played alongside woman for YEARS
i have trained with them
i know their work ethic is as good or better, but on average they seem to cap out lower than men do.
i am not saying its impossible for woman to be in t1 i am just saying men have a slight advantage, and that advantage means ALOT, when you get to the top of any esport.
You can believe what you would like.
keep the hope alive.
maybe one day soon we will have a female pro.
I truly hope so.
I just dont like the connotation that shits on all the woman who came before.
"They were not the right woman for the job"
"they didn't train hard enough"
"You only had 100,000 woman to choose from and none where t1 material"