All I really knew about Astralis was their legendary CS roster that won like everything for a couple of years, but now the general consensus is that the org is on the level of EG and everyone hates them. How did this happen?
They actually were great at the beginning, the players have founded astralis after leaving dignitas and TSM, they were given unique trainings, breaks, opportunities to spend more time with their family, that's when their era took off. The situation of astralis was really realy hard to deal with when travelling a lot, cuz device, the best player on the team, had an illness which got progressively worse when he was travelling so in 2019 they chose to play less events and still got 2 majors. During covid a lot of players have got depressed, and that's when astralis went into the shitter. Screwed FPX out of what has then become the heroic core (cadian led with stavn) by buying es3stag. Then they signed other players as 6th men while the main players were taking breaks. Still the org was quite poor in terms of player relationships and that just caused device to leave for NiP. ever since then, everything has been in the mud for astralis