My believe in superteams is gone
oh no i totally see why people called it a superteam. any team with aspas is gonna be like that. the problem is that besides c0m and MAYBE tex? the roster didn't have the best player in every role at the time yk.
kingg(no disrespect to him. i have been a massive fan of him ever since 2022) while he could call and frag out, wasnt the best igl.
mazino, at least for me, would never have been in my top 10 list.
c0m was a world champion so i get that aspect
tex i can kinda see considering he won ascension, but idk he also wasn't the BEST in his department.
they did amazing dont get me wrong, but i feel like most of the time it was aspas and then sometimes a king or a tex. a superteam in my eyes is a team where all the players are big names, and a team that isnt focused solely on one player.
fnc was a superteam AFTER they played. not before. as #5 said, boaster and derke weren't considered top 5 players at the start
ngl idk what im yapping about. i lost the plot halfway through. i hope this makes some sense
yeah i get what you are saying but I am mostly going off of community sentiment of the time as they were calling lev a "superteam" and honestly i agree with on when going in to the season only aspas was truly best in role (although i could make an argument that king was the heaviest fragging igl before johnqt dropped his dong) but it was constructed in the manner of a superteam after seeing aspas was available and they pivoted to picking up c0m and shooting for a trophy
just responded to yap with more yap