you wanna win trophies? you want a IGL that can actually frag is young? you remember itopata? how about you come join him and LEV.
Kaajak never even played with itopata. Plus hes coming to the biggest team in EU.
Fnatic are going down this year. 4th or 5th in EMEA at best
depends on when leo returns
you remember itopata
im pretty sure they know each other and KC + VIT clear fnatic even TL clear fnatic right now
icl bro without mazino and aspas lev is probably going to be significantly worse than fnatic
they’ll take a hit without aspas but mazino ehh
Hm, tbh I felt like mazino had huge impact especially towards the end of the year when lev was pretty strong.
Don't worry he doesn't know about mazino's performance after seeing dva
I agree, mazino was really big key for us; his role flexing was important i agree but no we are not significantly worse than fnatic lmfao