- kaajak
- Leo
- Chronicle
- Alfajer
- Boaster*
- Miniboo
- RieNs
- Wo0t
- benjyfishy
- Boo*
- Derke
- trexx
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- Less
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- kr1stal*
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- nAts
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- qRaxs
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- yetujey
- AtaKaptan
honestly I kind of want VIT to keep cender, I think he has potential in the same way Boo did, where he wasn't great in 2023 but led his team to great heights in 2024 after a change in the team around him. I think putting any player who hasn't igled before on the role (no matter how good they are) is a risk
Aayan [#3]honestly I kind of want VIT to keep cender, I think he has potential in the same way Boo did, where he wasn't great in 2023 but led his team to great heights in 2024 after a change in the team around him. I think putting any player who hasn't igled before on the role (no matter how good they are) is a risk