VIT Less???

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What the fuck? I know this is hype but this is acc more surprising than KC Saadhak to me. VIT is a great team if they can find a better coach than gorilla . But why would Less decide to transition to EMEA? Saadhak to EMEA makes sense cause his english is significantly better than less (I am pretty sure Less speaks english just not that good),
I am going to say this as a NA fan. BR valorant is downfalling, not dying, there is still space to recover if 2G does good in kickoff. But two of the best Brazilian (Yes saadhak is not brazilian but he played on brazilian teams the most in his career) players just transitioned to EMEA instead of staying in Americas.


saadhak is madly overrated and has been riding on previous achievements as goat status, subpar calls and shit shooting so him going to emea isnt as big as a hit to BR val as you think. People have had nothing but problems with Less so teamplay wise maybe its for the best even if hes such a great shooter


Best part is best player of BR, NA, and in the World is going to DRX. Aspas.


Language is really not as big of a problem as some make it to be. EMEA is mostly non-native English speakers and have had multiple players with really little English skills like Alfajer. Also I would imagine that EMEA looks more promising than Brazil and gives opportunities even outside of Vitality if he wants to stay compared to Brazil orgs or even NA orgs because there isn't too many.. And I don't know how the players feel, but LA can be pretty shitty for some players and expensive so maybe he doesn't mind leaving like Aspas. Americas (NA) has the money but outside of that it could be bit meh.

Don't know tho.


Less competition and more money, such an easy decision


saadhak also mentioned that Less isn't a terribly vocal player. just give him the game plan and let him shoot

x_knowitall39_x [#2]

saadhak is madly overrated and has been riding on previous achievements as goat status, subpar calls and shit shooting so him going to emea isnt as big as a hit to BR val as you think. People have had nothing but problems with Less so teamplay wise maybe its for the best even if hes such a great shooter

the downfrags say it all


Any Brazilian who plays well and speaks English will be called up by a foreign team. This isn't just about valorant. Salaries are much higher in these foreign teams.

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