Here me out
1.Lev without ASPAS isnt even top 5 NA
- Everyone of G2 plays there role supper well (except for SlightyChilly)
3.They are supper consistent and play very well as a team
Hades_Loves_Rb [#6]"if you take away team As best player team B will be better" no shit bruh
just saying there is no such problem for G2 cause they are all puting in 100% except for SlightBelowAvgTemp
Yuh_aye [#3]"If you make a change to A, A<B"
The point is LEV is centered around Aspas so if aspas dosent drop 20+ GG G2 dosent have that prob with any of its players
LifeDiff [#9]The point is LEV is centered around Aspas so if aspas dosent drop 20+ GG G2 dosent have that prob with any of its players
LEV needed life games from other players to beat G2 in grand finals of americas so ehh maybe not