please get him out of this terrible org. even cloud9 is better then tsm
DSGFan [#2]I'm sorry but 30% of the time it's the team who needs to be saved from sym. He seriously overheats
fr, like tsm couldve saved 5 guns on their buy but he overheated so hard there
DSGFan [#2]I'm sorry but 30% of the time it's the team who needs to be saved from sym. He seriously overheats
most t1 players overheat, its a bit much at times but if teams like PRX can play a stupid aggressive playstyle surely a team can support an overheating player like sym
DSGFan [#7]not even him. he got two into the round. The rest of the team threw hard
he overheated for sova. if he waited for util backsite then he runs in its easy