Emil is gone and with apex win liquid can't sign tier 1 rejects this year. They might build a competent team for once since 2021
Aayan [#3]liquid have the potential to make moves on the same level of 2023 fnatic, it's just a question of whether they will
Fnatic was in a much better spot and it looks like they didn't even try to get derke
gold2peak [#4]Fnatic was in a much better spot and it looks like they didn't even try to get derke
I'm coping (as you said they aren't trying to get derke, and they likely won't get rid of keiko) but,
that team is winning at least 1 trophy
in fact ill make a post
cloudberry [#5]But I WANT them to look to sign people that have been dropped from tier 1 EMEA teams. Like Derke, hiro, sh1n, tomaszy, or SUYGETSU
These are all players who have either proven to be tier 1 players or have potential, what liquid did before was much different. Btw with Nats it wouldn't make sense to get Suygetsu or tomaszy
gold2peak [#8]These are all players who have either proven to be tier 1 players or have potential, what liquid did before was much different. Btw with Nats it wouldn't make sense to get Suygetsu or tomaszy
SUYGETSU, sure. tomaszy was a duelist player when he was on SAW in 2023, though, so if Keiko is switching roles for whatever reason then tomaszy could be a relatively cheap option
cloudberry [#10]SUYGETSU, sure. tomaszy was a duelist player when he was on SAW in 2023, though, so if Keiko is switching roles for whatever reason then tomaszy could be a relatively cheap option
Tomaszy looked really good playing sentinels, he fell off when they put him on flex
gold2peak [#11]Tomaszy looked really good playing sentinels, he fell off when they put him on flex
True that