new era

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i think we are living the new era of valorant
tenz retire
asia start getting trophy
china had more upset
loud fell apart
fnc fell off
prx out of prime
most succesfull roaster mostly with rookie
astra back to server


every era has lasted exactly one season lmao


and we still have 3 more months in the off season


Nothing good in this Era

PRX Fall
TenZ retires

are the biggest blow
2 most 'FUN' things to watch in valorant


all the good things*


fnatic only really looked worse than last season idk how thats the end of an era, pre 2023 they weren’t any better than 2024



fnatic did not fall of they got exposed

but other than that yeah next season is the beginning of the new era


fnatic shaking in their boots after reading allat, they're still easily the most consistent team of all time


consistently overrated when they dont have their special win conditions:

  1. Mickey Mouse
  2. Other teams being nerfed

There was never a single time that fnc was the best team in the world


fnatic was the best team in tokyo


i can name two teams that were better than them at the time of Tokyo, they just weren't allowed to play at full strength. A month later they were both in champs finals


consistently overrated?? they beat the champs winner last year and beat the 2022 champs winners to win lock in, also why do people call it mickey mouse when other teams failed to win it??


good thing I made the post so I don't have to type everything out again for the same recycled excuses every time

they beat the champs winner last year

Conveniently also facing visa issues! Also for their star player, the one who, upon his addition, turned around their season and would later win Champs MVP. After spending (wasting) 2 weeks of tournament prep with a sub, Demon1 returns last minute. Even with this big nerf, upper finals basically comes down to a smokes spam. Furthermore, across every map played, only 2 were decisive, Fracture for EG, and Lotus for Fnatic. Every other map comes down to two rounds, the closest possible result.

beat the 2022 champs winners

against LOUD who swapped their two best champs performers for rookies, via a historic choke

to win lock in

Barely winning a preseason, showcase tourney with a mickey mouse format...After they won that worthless temu trophy (the kind the breaks on planes)....

also why do people call it mickey mouse when other teams failed to win it

"Mickey Mouse? actually single elim (and no qualifier and literally pre-season) means they won the hardest tourney!"

Maybe, but, further still, a random agent select tourney would be by far the hardest event ever hosted, doesn't change that winning it would be a cosmetic achievement, worthless in comparison to events with real formats and qualifiers (ie: designed to select for the best team).


fnatic beat eg twice (once in a close match and once in a sweep), even boostio said that fnatic were the only team who were better than eg last year (i would rather trust a player on that team than a random dickrider), prx without something nearly got 13-0'd by fnatic (boaster didnt wanna drop a 13-0 on jason), with something they wouldve gotten what, 5-6 rounds more? the only reason fnatic didnt win champs last year was loud, they were the only team who couldve had and did beat fnatic (they antistratted the hell out of fnatic's dominant map)
imagine calling a trophy worthless just because your region didnt win it, can never be me


fnatic beat eg twice (once in a close match and once in a sweep)

Beat a nerfed (was practicing without their star player) EG. Every map that wasn't named Lotus or Fracture was as close as is possible in valorant. You also already know this because we went over it.

even boostio said that fnatic were the only team who were better than eg last year (i would rather trust a player on that team than a random dickrider)

Verbal statements don't mean shit. I was told that Fnatic would have won madrid by boaster (Lost to both madrid teams) and that NRG was hiding strats by fns (LOL).
Then again you use all the same recycled garbage excuses addressed in the post. Here it is again for you to read:

prx without something nearly got 13-0'd by fnatic (boaster didnt wanna drop a 13-0 on jason), with something they wouldve gotten what, 5-6 rounds more?

"Even with something, they wouldn't have beat them at tokyo anyways"

Based off what? Not the evidence. The evidence strongly suggests otherwise. PRX with something outperformed Fnatic at the next 3 straight events. Next tourney they made Champs finals (probably strongest form they were ever in) beating LOUD and even EG in upper finals. At Madrid FNC were missing cuz they were worse than the teams that PRX beat. At Shanghai PRX were the favorites going into it, beat EDG and lost an extremely close series vs 100t, and FNC were winless (lost to GEN.G, who PRX beat domestically, and got EMBARRASED by fut, who PRX would beat). This means that PRX with something were better for than FNC for basically a year after they were allowed to play with him.

only reason fnatic didnt win champs last year was loud, they were the only team who couldve had and did beat fnatic

"Only lost because of Loud"

No, they lost because they were the 4th best team and they ran into the 3rd best team, who smoked them.

imagine calling a trophy worthless just because your region didnt win it, can never be me

Even Riot knows Lock-In was worthless. Its why it wasn't a masters and they didn't bother to get a trophy that can survive a plane ride.

they antistratted the hell out of fnatic's dominant map

LOL so its all anti-stratting why they lost huh? Which maps did they get anti-stratted? Every one they lost? They got full anti stratted on Lotus Ascent Split Haven and Bind? Or can you just not admit other teams were better?


ok buddy, have your W, doesnt change the fact that fnatic are still the most successful valorant org tied with sentinels, it wont change no matter how much you try to


Shit aint tied, 2 > 1*

and wouldn't have even have got that 1 without their 'special conditions'

Need shenanigans or other teams to be nerfed to win

Never once was the best team in the world

And yes I know FNC clear TSM


this level of mental retardation due to overdosing on cock sucking needs to be studied


you really need a job


TenZ leaving is the best thing that'll happen for VCT future. Will heal itself from the crazy amount of donald trump level of worshipping for TenZ fans


So True

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