Lose it TSM, let Galorys classify
number1_cned_hater [#2]WAIT IF TSM WINS GALORY CANT QUALIFY?
they can no matter what, just tsm going into 1-3 pool instead of 2-2 makes it easier
number1_cned_hater [#2]WAIT IF TSM WINS GALORY CANT QUALIFY?
they can but they would need to win very convincingly and for other teams to lose quite badly in order to get the edge on map and round diff. It's just easier for them if TSM lose
number1_cned_hater [#2]WAIT IF TSM WINS GALORY CANT QUALIFY?
It depend, since it's head to head rule this is really chaotic, it seems to me that if Gal win 2-0 and M80 beat 2games, then Gal is in
Nef0r0 [#3]pretty sure galorys can get thru on a three-way 2-3 tie breaker
they are many way to Gal to qual