
Get Me Out Of This Country

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Do you truly believe that Northern Europe was good for natural resources relative to India, the Middle East, China, South America, Africa, etc? And my second question is, why is it that now Europe and North America are the richest in the world? I just want to see if this conversation is even worth having.

Even ChatGPT ranks Europe prior to imperialism as the worst for natural resources lol.

I don't, but you can just ignore what we've went over and backpedal into repeating urself if u want.

I'm not sure how me wanting to move to a neighboring country for the betterment of my life and eventual kids lives means I'm abandoning or putting my ancestry behind me... They came to Canada from Scotland because it was gonna be better for them and their children. Isn't that like the whole point of immigration? Moving somewhere better because you want your future family to have a better life? Wouldn't that be more leaning into appreciating your lineage? lmfao


I mean i was talking about North america not europe since you live in canada. None the less people still dont create recourses out of nothing.

chatgpt as a source is just lazy

a fact is a fact

you are leaving a country your ancestors supposedly made great. Yet you want to leave that place, that's not cherishing your history. especially since there arent that many countries that are that much better to live in then Canada. which is why it's basically not respecting your lineage. just accept you are priviliged (i asked Chatgpt and they said yes so there's that since you used it)


Yeah, but North America's success is only ever possible following the success of Europe... Obviously.

They don't create them out of nothing, they create them out of outsourcing what they don't have through economic ventures, whether it be through colonialism, setting up trade routes, exploration, etc. All things that depend on the people and not on the land they live on.

It wasn't as a "source" it's just a commonly known fact and I used it as quick supporting evidence because refuting that is just silly.

You can call anything you believe with your whole mind to be a "fact" but fathom it or not, an idea you believe that depends completely on how you view the process of your successes is 100% subjective to how you view the world.

Yes my ancestors made Canada great, but just like 200AD Macedonia, 400AD Rome, the 1800s French and Dutch, the 1450s Byzantines, etc. All good things come to an end through the loss of what made them great in the first place. I cherish the history of Canada so much so that I want to move to America because it still has remnants of the principles that made Canada great in the first place, and I want to live somewhere that feels more how Canada should/did.

Moving has nothing to do with not appreciating your lineage. That's like telling an African immigrant they can't retain their culture nor appreciate it because they wanted to have a better life for themselves and their children lol. Under that idea no country would ever exist and the whole world would be stuck in a limbo of no culture, no movement, and no progress. You aren't very smart but it's all good.

Was a good conversation, a likely wasteful one but I hope you can learn to be more intellectually honest with yourself... It's fine to feel I'm "privileged", but not to base those feelings on supporting points that are either wrong, or just dont make sense. GG bro but unfortunately you lost 13-0


bro i am tired of arguing w you.

you are priviliged. accept it. Privilige means you have chances/wealth/oppertunities that others dont. Which means you have a better chance to find a good job, make good money and do things you want to do. That is all a privilige.

i didnt read this last reply and i cant be bothered to.

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