Need help with ranked

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Guys what do you do to avoid tilting? in the last 24 hours I was 1 game away from new rank 4 times and in all of those games i get 4 NPCs in my team. watching their POVs make me tilt so much that i wanna punch something and therefore my own gameplay and aim becomes shit.


I've learned to stop caring. At some point I lost so much I lost value in ranked and rr.


Ranked is chalked, the amount of times i've had teammates who have green util at the end of every round and also force buy 2nd pistol loss round.


When you feel that way, I recommend you just stop for a bit. Take a break, do something else you enjoy. VALORANT is a game so if you're not having fun then there's zero reason to be playing.


I swear it's RIOT's matchmaking tactic to give you the worst teammates when you are one game away from rank up. Happens to me all the time. I got a jett that left the game 4 rounds in saying GG because we lost a 1v3. Attempt the rank game when you are in the perfect headspace and don't play more than 2-3 games at a time. Take small breaks.

SaltyMcNulty [#5]

I swear it's RIOT's matchmaking tactic to give you the worst teammates when you are one game away from rank up. Happens to me all the time. I got a jett that left the game 4 rounds in saying GG because we lost a 1v3. Attempt the rank game when you are in the perfect headspace and don't play more than 2-3 games at a time. Take small breaks.

that was me bro, sorry for that bro. bro

SaltyMcNulty [#5]

I swear it's RIOT's matchmaking tactic to give you the worst teammates when you are one game away from rank up. Happens to me all the time. I got a jett that left the game 4 rounds in saying GG because we lost a 1v3. Attempt the rank game when you are in the perfect headspace and don't play more than 2-3 games at a time. Take small breaks.

bro my teammates get mad at me when i asked them for support util, or when i call them out for dying with full kit. and when i tell them that im gonna start playing for myself, they start insulting me and stuff LOL. Ranked is indeed chalked


realize that mmr does not matter, and that you will never have perfect teammates

play to have fun

i stopped solo-queuing and only play trios or 5stacks because as long as i have fun with my friends then i don't care whether i win or lose. there are moments where i do tilt (ex. we get 13-0d, we let the other team come back, etc), but it's much less frequent than if i were playing with total randos


the only two types of tilt fight I have seen are taking breaks whenever you feel tilt or just playing until you don't give a shit


stop caring so much - if you're having a couple bad matches just get off for the day
everyone will get bad teammates, it is what it is

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