neon is broken

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ive started to play her more in ranked and holy shes insane. not broken though as ive been getting countered easily on maps like sunset. when you know how to play her though shes so fun especially when you're having a good game. you just slide 1 tap and make them tilt. dont think shes needs a nerf. the only nerf i think would be good is to her ult as thats broken asf.


yeah i just lost a ranked game to a neon and im tweaking

chrlxz [#2]

yeah i just lost a ranked game to a neon and im tweaking

i would say lock in neon but icl shes very hard to play just randomly. i think you need to like actually grind her and learn her a lot. im still pretty bad on her


ive got u in my sights


shes insane on ct side cause u can rotate so fast. thats why yoru and neon can be so strong if you are able to get better with them and find more value with them on attack

danii1 [#4]

ive got u in my sights

I will not believe anything you say unless you provide proof. I'm his most loyal servant.


doesn't need a nerf. Needs to be deleted from the game and the designer thrown into jail.

Actually the most braindead agent of all time imagine thinking a run and gun character belongs in a tac fps.

Neon makes a bad micro-decision and gets stuck in a corner where anybody else would be held and die from util or traded? nope. Slide shoot out untradeably because you can't track in this game. There's a reason all my silver irls love playing neon when they're -20 on any other agent.

kfan4238173 [#5]

shes insane on ct side cause u can rotate so fast. thats why yoru and neon can be so strong if you are able to get better with them and find more value with them on attack

i honestly love retaking with her ngl. her stuns provide so much value for the retake and with a team that has a functioning brain you can just trade easily.

Yuh_aye [#7]

doesn't need a nerf. Needs to be deleted from the game and the designer thrown into jail.

Actually the most braindead agent of all time imagine thinking a run and gun character belongs in a tac fps.

Neon makes a bad micro-decision and gets stuck in a corner where anybody else would be held and die from util or traded? nope. Slide shoot out untradeably because you can't track in this game. There's a reason all my silver irls love playing neon when they're -20 on any other agent.

I'm guessing u just lost to a top frag Neon during solo queue?


Cu55Ku55_______ [#9]

I'm guessing u just lost to a top frag Neon during solo queue?


No i just hate that make-a-wish ass agent that rewards trashcans. I'll give you an example.

I have an irl friend named suzy who's silver. Actual silver. She has been hardstuck silver for months, and it took her a year to get out of bronze. She literally gets scared and freaks out when there are people on her screen. She only plays 3 agents, skye (always flashes us when we're on her team lmao), sage, and Neon. We played a 10 man custom amongst our mutual friend group a week ago where the average rank on each team is like high diamond. A couple ascendants, plats, and 1 imm on each team, with her as the exception. Even though we play them for fun we take the games fairly seriously.

We tell her to buy a judge or spectre (she can't aim well even with phantom) every round and just run at them. By halftime she's topfrag 15/8, by the end of game she's 21/18 and top 3 in the lobby.

Yuh_aye [#10]

No i just hate that make-a-wish ass agent that rewards trashcans. I'll give you an example.

I have an irl friend named suzy who's silver. Actual silver. She has been hardstuck silver for months, and it took her a year to get out of bronze. She literally gets scared and freaks out when there are people on her screen. She only plays 3 agents, skye (always flashes us when we're on her team lmao), sage, and Neon. We played a 10 man custom amongst our mutual friend group a week ago where the average rank on each team is like high diamond. A couple ascendants, plats, and 1 imm on each team, with her as the exception. Even though we play them for fun we take the games fairly seriously.

We tell her to buy a judge or spectre (she can't aim well even with phantom) every round and just run at them. By halftime she's topfrag 15/8, by the end of game she's 21/18 and top 3 in the lobby.

can't tell if this is bait or actually real. Great copypasta tho

nihso [#3]

i would say lock in neon but icl shes very hard to play just randomly. i think you need to like actually grind her and learn her a lot. im still pretty bad on her

i just locked neon and dropped mvp

broken af

kfan4238173 [#5]

shes insane on ct side cause u can rotate so fast. thats why yoru and neon can be so strong if you are able to get better with them and find more value with them on attack

Yoru is great at playing what would be "one and done" spots, ive started to play him and if im not 10th im mvping

Cu55Ku55_______ [#11]

can't tell if this is bait or actually real. Great copypasta tho

Edited for Suzy's Privacy

kfan4238173 [#5]

shes insane on ct side cause u can rotate so fast. thats why yoru and neon can be so strong if you are able to get better with them and find more value with them on attack

Old chamber type of thing

Yuh_aye [#14]

Edited for Suzy's Privacy

Aim issue on ur side, if you could shoot you wouldn't have problems vs neon, also way too easily countered by cypher

Itsover [#16]

Aim issue on ur side, if you could shoot you wouldn't have problems vs neon, also way too easily countered by cypher

Sunset neon is impossible for me bc of cypher. Like when you're having a bad game on neon you look like a running ult or but bad game + cypher your just fucked. Only works if you have a sova or a raze.

Itsover [#16]

Aim issue on ur side, if you could shoot you wouldn't have problems vs neon, also way too easily countered by cypher

What a shitter ass comment. The best aimers in the world are still at a disadvantage against a sliding neon because of the way guns work in the game. If you don't first bullet headshot them a sliding neon with a phantom is gonna spray you down 10/10 times.

And once you get out of gold you might realize that people know how to counter cypher trips

Wait till you find out that Neon is a meta pick on the best cypher map in the game

Yuh_aye [#18]

What a shitter ass comment. The best aimers in the world are still at a disadvantage against a sliding neon because of the way guns work in the game. If you don't first bullet headshot them a sliding neon with a phantom is gonna spray you down 10/10 times.

And once you get out of gold you might realize that people know how to counter cypher trips

Wait till you find out that Neon is a meta pick on the best cypher map in the game

Wait until you find out that neon has very low pickrate in tier 1, also I smurf ur peak idk why you are talking about getting out of gold when last time I was there was ep 1 act 1, also wait until you find out that neon has 51 wr in immo-rad which is far from being OP

Itsover [#19]

Wait until you find out that neon has very low pickrate in tier 1, also I smurf ur peak idk why you are talking about getting out of gold when last time I was there was ep 1 act 1, also wait until you find out that neon has 51 wr in immo-rad which is far from being OP

Low pickrate in T1? This isn't Chamber metas he doesn't have to be picked on every map to be OP. And winrate doesn't matter every character is almost by definition gonna have a near 50% winrate, thats how averages work - unless you're genuinely trolling and picking phoenix or something.

She's OP because her fundamental game mechanic is stupid and allows bad players to play above their level - because she can just jump around and backwards slide spray shoot or jump in your face with a judge and there's little to nothing anybody can do to punish it because there is no hitscan tracking in Val. That's why she's a dumbass agent that trashcans love, because they don't have to be good at the game to get value out of her.

Now that the serious comment is out of the way

From : https://www.vlr.gg/post/3233574/drop-the-tracker

Comment #10


From: https://www.vlr.gg/391577/tracker-4-tracker

Comment # 35


Itsover [#19]

Wait until you find out that neon has very low pickrate in tier 1, also I smurf ur peak idk why you are talking about getting out of gold when last time I was there was ep 1 act 1, also wait until you find out that neon has 51 wr in immo-rad which is far from being OP

I don't even usually rank check people on this site because higher rank = right/lower rank = wrong is stupid but when you said not being able to shoot neon is an aim issue or that he's too easily countered with cypher i knew forsure you were terrible

Yuh_aye [#7]

doesn't need a nerf. Needs to be deleted from the game and the designer thrown into jail.

Actually the most braindead agent of all time imagine thinking a run and gun character belongs in a tac fps.

Neon makes a bad micro-decision and gets stuck in a corner where anybody else would be held and die from util or traded? nope. Slide shoot out untradeably because you can't track in this game. There's a reason all my silver irls love playing neon when they're -20 on any other agent.

it's not like riot can't delete agents. If you are not having a good day, then don't solo queue. That was ur first mistake, leaving u even more pissed when someone better than u can actually shoot back and use their good mechanics as an advantage

you just made an irrelevant and braindead argument, case closed

Cu55Ku55_______ [#22]

it's not like riot can't delete agents. If you are not having a good day, then don't solo queue. That was ur first mistake, leaving u even more pissed when someone better than u can actually shoot back and use their good mechanics as an advantage

you just made an irrelevant and braindead argument, case closed

Who said this had anything to do with my ranked games(i've been carried by a neon more recently than i've faced one btw)?

Neon is literally designed to run and gun which is stupid asf. It was the intention of the game designers when they changed the sliding accuracy. And the bar recharges he could run around like that basically half the round, while the other movement agents (jett,raze) need to be smart about it.

Remember Jawgemo's mid-air Flying Vandal Kill on Fracture vs Fnatic? Imagine the game designers made it so the raze bullets are as accurate mid air for raze as neon's is while sliding. Now imagine Raze could satchel around most of the round going for those types of kills on people. Sound like retarded bullshit? Connect the dots

Yuh_aye [#23]

Who said this had anything to do with my ranked games(i've been carried by a neon more recently than i've faced one btw)?

Neon is literally designed to run and gun which is stupid asf. It was the intention of the game designers when they changed the sliding accuracy. And the bar recharges he could run around like that basically half the round, while the other movement agents (jett,raze) need to be smart about it.

Remember Jawgemo's mid-air Flying Vandal Kill on Fracture vs Fnatic? Imagine the game designers made it so the raze bullets are as accurate mid air for raze as neon's is while sliding. Now imagine Raze could satchel around most of the round going for those types of kills on people. Sound like retarded bullshit? Connect the dots

if they do decide to nerf Neon, it will be another Iso situation

Cu55Ku55_______ [#24]

if they do decide to nerf Neon, it will be another Iso situation

depends how they do it, i'm sure they have alot of creative people working there that can find a balanced solution

My Solution: Bar doesn't recharge (maybe unless you get kills) and you can't backwards slide

This way you can still do the normal explosive stuff on execs but you can't just be braindead jumping around all round and you can't just outrotate everyone by running back and forth between sites a million times on defense. Forces you to be smart about your movement util like jett dash or raze satchels.

Would be so much more tolerable than what it is now


Because I often play on the hongkong server, I have to say that the neon players I have met in Southeast Asia are very different and difficult to describe, but they are all full of passion(and a litte braindead just joking).they always use shortgun,like bucky win some crazy full buy round.it's really hard to nerf neon,because i think neon's op based on meta,the two ini meta,like brench's stun,neon can do re-attack or re-entry not like raze and jett,sometime you have to walk in site,neon can always prove a big angle for enemy.


I do feel like she's the new reyna, if your aim is not solid then in pleb ranked elo you are going to get dunked on. But then again even in pro players' streams I can still see the occasional bs sliding bucky and stuff. It's so bipolar that if you play to here strengths you can dominate, otherwise you are a bot being farmed.... I just hate how riot decides balancing

leoankh [#27]

I do feel like she's the new reyna, if your aim is not solid then in pleb ranked elo you are going to get dunked on. But then again even in pro players' streams I can still see the occasional bs sliding bucky and stuff. It's so bipolar that if you play to here strengths you can dominate, otherwise you are a bot being farmed.... I just hate how riot decides balancing

It's dependent on whether you're having a good game or not. You can be hitting some nasty shots and the enemies won't shoot you or the enemies perfectly track you and you just look like a running ult orb.

Yuh_aye [#7]

doesn't need a nerf. Needs to be deleted from the game and the designer thrown into jail.

Actually the most braindead agent of all time imagine thinking a run and gun character belongs in a tac fps.

Neon makes a bad micro-decision and gets stuck in a corner where anybody else would be held and die from util or traded? nope. Slide shoot out untradeably because you can't track in this game. There's a reason all my silver irls love playing neon when they're -20 on any other agent.

Hit your shot man stop being a bot, a low momentum slide really shouldn't kill you consistently, especially if you know the neon is there, just hold wide and micro adjust.

AKIRA1988 [#29]

Hit your shot man stop being a bot, a low momentum slide really shouldn't kill you consistently, especially if you know the neon is there, just hold wide and micro adjust.

Hit your shot man stop being a bot

just hold wide and micro-adjust



Yuh_aye [#30]

Hit your shot man stop being a bot

just hold wide and micro-adjust

this is not the situation you described, the neons have momentum and are not stuck. also the players in your gaems arent hitting that consistently , even the pros can only do it from time to time. you are moving on the neon's screen as fast as she is on yours in both those clips


her ult is ridiculous.


As someone who played Raze a lot previously, I struggle crazy with Neon

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