Job life situation

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A∩B => C
A = A player disconnect
B = Unable to return within the allocated pause time
C = Allow the player to get replaced

First time,
A = A player disconnect : True
B = Unable to return within the allocated pause time : False (he came back)
the guy as return, no need a sub.

Second time he disconnected :
A = A player disconnect : true
B = Unable to return within the allocated pause time : true (he wasnt able to reco)
A and B are validated, so I the "Allow the player to get replaced" should be replaced

Funny enough I have the good scenarios thanks to the rumored rulebook (That nobody managed to calculate XD)
Now I picture GoP as a hunter


A bit late woops
Was the second time the pause at round 20/21 or did I miss a round where they actually started 4v5?
Only remember tech pauses into then 5v5

As long as everyone on the server at round start (or before the first person takes damage ig) it'd count as in within the pause time

Also I havent loked at GoPs steams in a while but isnt he still a Reinhardt one trick? Bros equipped to take down Mammoths


Damn you are right she reco round 21, I thougt then ended played on 4v5.

Fak my huge mistake here, that kinda change everything

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