Imagine Pcific win Ascension EMEA and they have to cut 3 (THREE) players due to age restriction. This is mental.
Did a short writeup from memory (cba to try and read labor laws, those things suck ass) about why the age restriction exists a while back
Didnt explain the "Limit on work times" point that well but think its fine to give people a base idea on why riot dont allow minors in vct.
T2 is a place for development. So letting young players play in there so theyre ready for when theyre 18 is hopefully understandable
The thing about ascension is that its the org that ascends not the players.
Think of g2 or bleed only keeping part of their roster. From how I see it this is fully intended by the system (and with the duration change even encouraged). Personally hate it since I wanna see more t2 players in t1 but its in line with the goals of franchising (and even the tier 2 leagues).
So riot is perfectly fine with an org winning that would be able to keep 0 players due to the age rule. For them it only matters that an org from t2 gets rewarded and the other orgs take the bait and stay in the system, providing t1 with a steady supply of new players.