Polaris 2025

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UCAM CEO insinuating there are gonna be very big orgs joining in next year

Apeks might leave because they kinda just bought the org in charge of Polaris stream so it wouldn't make much sense

BUT he insinuated a big Cs org (Heroic most likely), A big European org coming back from China (NIP), and an F1 driver org (Norris Quadrant)
That would surely attract other orgs aswell

Also mentioned doesn't believe there will be academies at all


funny yet unsurprising that it'd be Norris being the first F1-related esports org

it was basically a toss up between him and Verstappen on who was entering first

LycheeBlade [#2]

funny yet unsurprising that it'd be Norris being the first F1-related esports org

it was basically a toss up between him and Verstappen on who was entering first

I mean he said F1 driver org, it could be either tbh but I think Norris already has an org and stuff I don't know if Verstappen does

Mortadelo [#3]

I mean he said F1 driver org, it could be either tbh but I think Norris already has an org and stuff I don't know if Verstappen does

fair. if Verstappen and Norris weren't the big title contenders this year (at least I think, i've stopped following F1 religiously like i used to) i would fully expect them to do a joint venture since they're besties and avid gamers/streamers when not racing


Yup can confirm from rumors that theres some bigger orgs interested (realistically also the main reason the TO was brave enough to reset their league with the new rules and potentially kill of the league for good if it fails) based on the whispers in t3(/4)

Heroic is most certainly in talks, theres been rumors around them being interested in teams for quite a while (and bodork is a heroic simp, so perfect league cause you know youll get all the best promotion posts ;3)
NiP would be huge ngl.

There seem to be quite a few orgs about (only based on t3 rumors. So nothing reliable at all) which would be a good sign. Am hopeful it'd work out, be a huge shame if this backfires; id love Polaris to return to their 2022 glory (with better viewer count this time round)

Targu1n [#5]

Yup can confirm from rumors that theres some bigger orgs interested (realistically also the main reason the TO was brave enough to reset their league with the new rules and potentially kill of the league for good if it fails) based on the whispers in t3(/4)

Heroic is most certainly in talks, theres been rumors around them being interested in teams for quite a while (and bodork is a heroic simp, so perfect league cause you know youll get all the best promotion posts ;3)
NiP would be huge ngl.

There seem to be quite a few orgs about (only based on t3 rumors. So nothing reliable at all) which would be a good sign. Am hopeful it'd work out, be a huge shame if this backfires; id love Polaris to return to their 2022 glory (with better viewer count this time round)

tier 2 needs it

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