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They have to go back and understand that dropping a player is not going to fix the under lying issues in the team.

Let’s start with 2023
The reason they were so dominant in 2023 is because they got ahead of the meta. And they won lock in and carried over the momentum for the rest of the year picking up a masters trophy as well. (This was fear momentum, teams would watch vods of FNC shitting on there regions and EMEA teams and then they would get scared) Teams were respecting them too much
End of 2023:
At the end of 2023 they didn’t play good at champs (For FNC 2023 Standards) because of the time they played against Loud. LOUD went into that match and smashed the shit out of them showing that Fnatic does bleed. And this made FNC look less like gods and more like normal players. And this caused the downfall which went all the way in 2024. FNC leaves champs at 4th and with that we went into the 2024 season.

Start of 2024
The year was looking good. Spirts where high and FNC fans were hopeful for a good year because they played good last year. But things took a sharp turn. Kick off looked horrible for them. They just didn’t look like FNC. So they had an early exit from kickoff and didn’t make Madrid.
Middle of 2024
FNC was able to bounce back a little in stage 1 and made it all he way to China where they placed 7-8. And this was still a bad placement for last years standards. And it was evident something needed to change.
End of 2024
Start of stage 2 FNC announced Leo out Hiro in. Which if you look on paper is a very good switch. The team looked good, Alfa was playing some iso and Derke was off the Yoru to some extent. And with these changes they made it to champs. Where some mistakes made them lose to SEN in play offs. And they were knocked out. Yet again not showing the best performance.

So let’s look at what needs to change.
A: You need to fire your Head Coach Empluaddy. This guy has never found success in Valorant and his time is over.
B: You need to tell mini that if he isn’t stepping up to be head coach again he is off the team.
C: They need to do a deep understanding of the meta and try to get ahead again.
D: Keep your roster how it is, for kick off. If it needs changes then change people out. But kicking Derke isn’t the fix.

Ty for reading.


looks like a decent analysis on the initial skim through.

my take:
The way I see it end of 2023 was complacency (not to discredit LOUD at all) but we weren't making many changes, allowing other teams to anti-strat and catch up.
I'm very biased, but I give a pass for the Shanghai performance due to Leo's health. Similar for Champs, they were great but I think expecting them to go further with a fresh player in Champs was wishful thinking.


finally an actual thread on fnatic


Issues fixed https://www.vlr.gg/399386/fnc-fix-easy

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