Gekko is the most OP agent in the game

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people might say iso is OP or even neon but gekko is on another level. his flash is OP cause you cant dodge and its perfect for info gathering since it also gives you the direction of the players, wingman is way to OP since ATK side basically becomes 6v5 with the whole squad fighting instead of just 4 and the advantage he gives when he plants for example on bind is wayyyy to OP. his ult is alright since you can shoot it down pretty easily but it does gives an insane amount of info. his mash is alright since its not hard to dodge.

do you agree or disagree?


Most valuable agent if u can minmax his util for sure


He's not OP like like Chamber, Jett and Astra were, but this year has definitely been Gekko meta on quite a few maps

  • You can't dodge his flash (you actually can in some cases but I'll give it to you) but you can shoot it
  • It gives you the general direction of the players but if you're flashing through a smoke then it can be difficult to tell exactly where they are, especially if you have to go off sound cue
  • Wingman does give you an advantage in planting the spike but if he goes down then you can be in a bad spot (Bind is a decent example of this)
  • His ult is good; it's like most ults, where the minimum value is pretty low and the maximum value is very high

Overall, he's a great agent, but he's not broken per se


i mean on his own hes alright but with different combos he dominates. you could argue that he's only decent in a group but the issue is that all LOT of the util in that group supports gekko wayy to much in my opinion with almost every comp having gekko in it. the only exception is like ascent or split since he's bad there because of all the high low angles and the boxes etc but on every other map its seems like he has an extremely high pickrate.


^ Bump


Who says Iso is op? After the nerf he's mid. Neon is also very overrated icl. I always see temet bot frag. Gekko is definitely broken but I always see people not knowing how to use him. I played a ranked game and the enemies played like FNC (slow as shit) and we were clueless cuz my gekko threw 0 flashes for info.

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