End of The Year Awards But Im Making This As I Go

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I stole this from the OG End of The Year Awards post from Yuh_aye so go check that out for another guys opinion, heres mine

Best Initiator - Riens: I agree
Best Smokes - Karon: I agree
Best Duelist - Sayf: Been saying this since he was on Liquid but hes the best player in the world. Kangkang and Zekken are two great answers too
Best IGL - Honestly I have no fucking clue, anyone but Enzo : Boo Munchkin Johnqt nobody
Best Senti -BenjyFish : Yeah hes nuts i dont have an explanation
Best Flex - wo0t : This guy was tapping heads on any agent

Best Team - EDG: I mean they just proved it no?
Biggest Frauds - NRG: yeah easy call
Best Event - Madrid: Shiii i did NOT stay up at 2am for the other events so I didn't see them, but prob champs realistically
Best team to watch - Heretics: So fun to watch them grow sucks they didn't win anything
Champs Winner Next Year : Liquid (im coping)


best duelist with literally shit nothing this year but agree with others ig. s1mon could give riens a run maybee

zhongZHI [#2]

best duelist with literally shit nothing this year but agree with others ig. s1mon could give riens a run maybee

No S1mon was a support player through and through, his impact was not with kills but with util usage (stuns, flashes, etc). So he doesn't have the stats to stack up against Riens


Best Sentinel should be vo0kashu.

zhongZHI [#2]

best duelist with literally shit nothing this year but agree with others ig. s1mon could give riens a run maybee

Idk man t3xture got snubbed, he should've gotten duelist of the year

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