Emea one team region again????

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In 2023 everyone called emea a 1 team region, which tbf was pretty accurate other than lock/in navi, but the 1 team was fnatic

The other emea teams performed at a max of: 4th (navi), 5-6th (liquid), and 7-8th (fut) and everyone was pretty sure that emea was a 1 team region

This year, if we use the same logic and look at emea teams not named heretics, we get: 5th-6th (kcorp), 5th -6th (fut), and 5th-6th (fnatic)

so why is nafanboy69 not accusing emea of being a 1 team region when the evidence is basically the same as last year

have the emea haters just not cared cuz emea was the only region to not win a trophy

swvyboi please come and explain


EMEA has always been a one team region. the only time they were decent was in 2021 where we had FNC and Gambit. 2022 was FPX, 2023 was FNC and 2024 was TH.

alpine007 [#2]

EMEA has always been a one team region. the only time they were decent was in 2021 where we had FNC and Gambit. 2022 was FPX, 2023 was FNC and 2024 was TH.

wait thats crazy

china emergence in 2022/3 had edg so theyre probably similar region wise to emea at this point

like trace went out 7th-8th and fpx was given a group with the teams that went 2nd, 4th, and won shanghai so like what u gonna do


vitality that lost to trace and got out, fut that bombed out against edg who werent in form yet, and fnatic ended up as 5th-6th


Tbf I dare say almost all regions expect maybe AMER were one team regions for this year ofc

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