cNed aspas demon1 s1mon
who's next?
What counts as a rookie btw?
first year in VCT
Ah then maybe Verno? May I dare say Zander 👀
mada, seven, brawk
was aspas a rookie in 2022?
ye. didnt exist in 2021
I just checked; he wasnt a rookie. He actually played in VCB for SLICK in 2021. Maybe a rookie in International lans but def not a true rookie
lol every player is not a rookie then
then woot doesnt have best debut either. he played in t2 before.
Verno 😎
GE Verno
I'd rather GE actually attempt an Indian team. Maybe 1 import
I was joking. There is no way GE would actually afford Verno
primmie if he counts as a rookie still
He would not. Played 3 series in Stage 2 and played at Champs.
I think people only count players as rookies on their debut year
Less was also a rookie