1 - Prime GEN.G 2 - EDG 3 - TH 4 - SEN when š§š· genes don't kick in 5 - LEV 6 - KICKOFF Karmine Corp 7 - Worst of DetonatioN FocusMe
remove th
how much?
why 7 thats a bit of an odd number isnt it
Prime GENG Madrid Sen Champs EDG Shanghai TH then Champs TH Stage 2 - Champs Lev
real order
EDG is 3rd since they were kinda disappointing until Champs
Gen G above the champs winners is diabolical, and TH above Sen when they didn't even win is as well
well the champs winner bomb out in madrid and shanghai
i like gen g :)
also debate the guy who wants edg lower
GenG EDG SEN TH/LEV (TH a lot of second places but didnt win anything, LEV 3rd place champs but at least won a regional)