did you add the "delete reply" feature for mods usually the thread just gets nuked, but i just saw a reply disappear without the thread getting nuked
its always been there
smh my head
can you tell me why I am not being able to upvote or downvote comments anymore
I think it's because you've been timed out TWICE. I can't upvote or downvote comments too.
Damn is this thing permanent?cuz it's been like 2 months now
think so, but if still can't up/downvote after 6 months, that's just horrible. I've seen many comments that I want to upvote but can't.
i was able to up or down frag after getting timed out twice but can't anymore after 5th or 6th timeout
I can only up/down frag the title of the thread, but not comments. Your post rn #22 Iām upfrag says 1, but as soon as refresh the page, back to 0.
yeah same happenns in my case
Touch me
Nope, that has been a thing the whole time
did you guys recently add ddos protection or did u downgrade servers
pretty please let me know, i wanan run my stats thingy but i dont know if its causing unwanted server strain on your end
send me a dm on discord
you wont' believe this but i got banned from the discord cause i think i talked in general when i was banned on the website?
my discord id is nuuman if you could unban it..............and then i could dm you
i can't dm youj
i can't dm you btw, you have it turned off you gotta send me one
respect the hustle, i guess?
i almost there.....almost almost almsot
already got unbanned!!
Did it work?
no i got ghosted
No way they ghosted the GOAT š
nooooo i wanted my stats :( enigma-chan please reply back to him
they just deleted my reply...
They deleted my reply to your comment as well Anyways, I said You called babysasuke the N word in April 2022 āā