Least Hype GF ever

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so the teens(who are the main audience) are usually at school or uni
It's a Saturday and Sunday, and usually holidays, how the fuck is school a factor?
Problem is, CS is a direct rival to valorant, and CS seems to slowly rehab from the clusterfuck which was the cs2 release.


i meant was takling abt the usual timings cause not only the GF and end of playoffs yk.

CS2 is still a clusterfuck my man. especially rn with a fuckign run a gun meta. if only valve did shit abt their game and made the anti cheat better and had like an actual ranking system the game would be much better. it'll take another 2,3,4 years till CS is a major threat to valo.

also CS is basically only EMEA. rn it may seem like NA is doing alright but this looks very similar to the start of CSGO where NA did good for like 2 yrs and dipped. valo In general is played a lot more in other regions

  • valorant is still more RnG
    -faceit provides the ranking for higher skilled players
    -cs is a rival to valo, and always has been, esportswise CS clears, if valorant viewership doesn't rebound next year, CS will establish itself as a way better esports
    -cs has a bigger SA region and is now growing in asia
  • valorant IS more RNG but i think those variables add for more exciting moments that would be better appreciated if the crowds could get more hype
  • valorant's ranking system clears and there's not one major CS pro/streamer who disagrees
  • I mean if you think abt it valo is the rival to cs since they practically directly poach on the CS viewerbase but valo as an esport is more successful rn because they have a better image which enables them to get far better sponsors thereby enabling better salaries for the players etc..
    CS crowds are infinitely better then valo crowds and rn that's their only saving grace.
  • idk abt CS in SA but its never gonna topple valorant in asia. most asian gamers are from like china, japan, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia etc and only like 1/10 or even less plays CS there(when you compare the stats to valo)



Random moments will never topple pure skill
Faceit has a really similar ranking system to valorant, MM and Premier are indeed shit
Valorant is not a bigger esport with in Western part of the world, CS has ties to plenty of sponsors. "Better image" has nothing to do with the product and the product which CS gives is better due to how long the pro scene has been around. And why don't you think cs poaches valo viewerbase as well?
Asia is a bigger region within valorant because valorant targets that region, that's where a vast majority of the views come in and players as well. CS is a superior product within europe, and if asia were to dominate valorant, cs would get that playerbase back


I think NA fans would still watch valo cause they're teams actually do good in valo whereas in CS.... yea I think we both know abt Na CS teams....
but I don't think valo is going to be asian dominated in the first place because ur gonna have a lot of the FPS crowd playing it. its not going to become another League of legends. trust me

i disagree with the first point. util is not only RNG or random it can be coordinated and when used skillfully is devastating. yes, the gunplay involves many rng elements, but for me, the gunplay is at a weird state where its both RNG and precise at the same time.
for example : the headshots with the all the valo weapons feel much better, especially with the vandal guardian etc.. i really don't like the fact that CS doesn't really have a one shot rifle for the CT side thereby making spamming the most reliable way to get kills(from what I've seen and played).
at the same time it has way more RNG with the spread with a random spray pattern whereas CS has a set spray pattern.


1st NA, yes, but SA might deplete and the tier 2-3 system can easily go back to CS next year, like nitro has done. players like wardell, daprr, etc. are NOT getting a chance in tier 1 valorant, they have a way higher chance of getting there in open circuit cs
2nd EMEA isn't interetsed in valorant same way as in CS, talent influx is lower and so the region might die out.
3rd utility can be coordinated, but it just lowers the mechanical skill, which is rng. you think it's both rng and precise because you don't know any better.
4th anything related to aim and movement clears valorant, if you think otherwise you are just delusional, one shot CT rifle only destroys the game because CTs already have an advantage of better positoning, and CS duels rarely end in a 1 bullet fired situations.
Sprays are set, that' swhy it's skill, it isn't spam when you know where the bullets go.
You keep refusing the fact that riot, which are building valorant is a similar way to LOL will go down the same way, that's just dumb.


4th point : movement while its highly debatable with the whole style of the game being different to that of CS.
gun wise: no, CT side in valorant does not have as much of a positioning advantage compared to that of CS but that in part can be blamed to shitty attack sided maps like sunset and abyss. but anyway if you give only 2 shot weapons like phantoms
to CT side then atk side will dominate. valorant duels are a lot shorter but I think that important because if they were as long as CS duels then the game would basically become a 3D league due to the agent abilities so one shot duels are important.
spamming through a smoke even when you'll know where the bullets go is still a spam. the spam mechanics in cs are better but if val make it so that the spam is not insanely random I think the spam mechanics in valo would be a fairer version(purely my opinion)
as for the last point, just no. i dont think that will be the case but we can agree to disagree and in the end only time will tell.

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