Just out of curiosity. If you could fix/change one thing in any gamemode, what would it be?
- Unrated: have options on game length. Some people don't want to q swiftplay, but they also don't want to play a mode that's as long as ranked. length options (for example, giving an option to queue unrated as first-to-9 or first-to-13) would be good for those that want a mid-length game
- Competitive: a timeout feature. sometimes there's an adult on the team that has to take care of their kid so they have to afk. sometimes people have to take a shit. sometimes there's just a disconnect. a timeout feature would help with that a LOT
- Swiftplay: honestly nothing. it's fine as is. maybe integrate it with Unrated as the first-to-5 option instead of it being its own mode
- Spike Rush: remove the golden gun. it's just a little silly
- Escalation: I genuinely feel like giving Escalation the TDM treatment (in this case, giving Escalation its own separate maps) would make the game a lot of fun. Most Escalation matches I've seen/played in just resort to camping a choke point on the map (Bind TP/hookah, Split mid/mail, etc)
- Deathmatch: remove the minimap and remove the spawn sounds. a headshot-only mode would also be good
- TDM: fix Drift. It's honestly a really bad map even by TDM standards. the rest are fine though
- Replication: it's fine as is. great mode for pure chaos
- Snowball fight: again, a snowball fight-exclusive map would be fire. maybe a super-modified Icebox for the theme?
- Premier: give better rewards for playing premier. For me personally I see no benefit to playing premier vs playing 5stack ranked. At least with ranked there's RR to play for. If my prem team gets eliminated it's just whatever go next. If Premier gave more exclusive cards/titles/buddies/etc just for playing the game mode I'd feel a lot more inclined to play it