Without counting Lotus where SEN has clutches a couple times already, in the other 2 maps SEN has won 8 clutches and FNC has won 1
sentinelmain377 [#2]FNATIC are choking mannnnnn
especially Hiro
Hiro looks as if he forgot how to play the game
And boaster
Shifts [#4]this is typical boaster gameplay brother, you cannot be surprised
He’s not even playing the clutches smartly anymore man
IceRapt0r1 [#5]by clutches what do you mean? 1v1s? cause sen winning a lot of 1v1s but not like 1vX in the other maps
Go to a map and click performance and you can see what I mean exactly, it’s mostly 1vs1 and 1vs2
It was 4 1vs1 and 4 1vs2