Brazilian organization RED Canids RED Canids Brazil Rank #5 Jway glym Lucas Glym Saalped has announced the recruitment of VIMDOLOL VIMDOLOL Inactive Sacy Gustavo Rossi pepa Matheus Colleto Masu André Carravieri prozin Wallacy Sales pollo Julio Silva just prior to the start of First Strike qualifiers, which begin in a few days.
Chegou a hora de expandirmos os nossos horizontes e representar a Matilha no Valorant.
Os lobos vão caçar no First Strike.
Bem-vindos @sacylol, @pepa_vt, @polloskitz, @masudora e @prozin_sales! 🔥
The team led by Matheus " pepa " Colleto has achieved impressive results thus far, most recently placing third in Copa Rakin # 2 after falling to Gamelanders Blue Gamelanders Blue Inactive in the lower bracket final. They also finished second in the EVOlution Open and placed in the top four of Gamers Club Ultimate II, the last Ignition Series tournament.
Heading into First Strike, RED Canids RED Canids Brazil Rank #5 Jway glym Lucas Glym Saalped will be: