Flag: Brazil
Registered: July 25, 2020
Last post: September 13, 2021 at 1:20 PM
Posts: 260
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posted about 3 years ago

Finally back from my ban for defending Sinatraa. Hekzy I hate u

posted about 3 years ago

I'm back

posted about 3 years ago

True. Agreed. The thing is, I don't actually see that as rape. Since I don't think he knew that she actually ment to stop. The dude was laughing as she was in pain, if he knew he is a cartoon villain, c'mon. She should've been more assertive, to let him know, how can you rape someone without even knowing you are? That's nonsense for me.

posted about 3 years ago

Congratulations for believing a psycho. The girl was actually crazy. How can a women treated this badly fucking wanting to get back together? She had no courage, no self-love, no-pride.

posted about 3 years ago


"No" Doesn't always means "no". That explains perfectly. The link is already in the correct time of the video. Just watch this.

posted about 3 years ago

He said " I only have sex without condoms", she had numerous answers for this.

Ok, so we will have sex without condom and you will pay the abortion or the costs for the kid.
I will not have sex with you them.
I will start on the pill before we have sex
I will use female condom, feel pain, and then blame you.

Guess what she choose?

posted about 3 years ago


"No" Doesn't always means "no". That explains perfectly. The link is already in the correct time of the video. Just watch this.

posted about 3 years ago


Just watch this and notice how idiot you are. It's in the fucking correct time of the video. You don't have to watch it all, althugh it would be good to watch it all.

posted about 3 years ago


Just watch this and notice how idiot you are.

posted about 3 years ago

wtf, the tone means a lot more than the actual word. wtf is wrong with you? Women want to tease, want to make you insist, don't want to make you feel it was too easy, so they most of the time say no at first, this is part of the game.

posted about 3 years ago

She said No like she was moaning on top of him. I mean... If you ever had sex once in your life you know that you have to push or insist in those kinds of "no", or else you will never have sex in your life, woman do this to tease, to make you insist, to not seem to easy, just look at him seriously, get away of him and tell him no in a tone he would understand.

posted about 3 years ago

What does this have to do with having a consensual realtion with your girl? It's simple, if you want to stop in the middle of sex, get the fuck off of him, look at him seriously and then say no! The guy was in the middle of sex, was laughing, clueless of what was going on, she was just "no.. no.. no.." witha fucking baby voice lying naked on top of him, what do you expect? Have you ever had sex in your life? Women say no everytime before acutally fucking, to make you insist, to tease, it happens all the time, how are you suposed to know the difference if she can't even talk to him seriously and is still lying beside him? C'mon... The girl was mental, Sinatraa tryined to find every excuse in the book to break up with her, she just wouldn't let him, then he starts to treat her badly, she finally breaks up with him and then SHE WANTED TO GET BACK TOGETHER!!! THE DUDE HAD TO BLOCK HER!! SHE WAS NUTS!!!

posted about 3 years ago

How can you rape someone in the middle of a consensual relation? Are you insane? Instead of saying no with a baby voice, just stop riding him and get the fuck of of him, look at him serious and say something that means shit. "No" with a baby voice is the most heard thing we men listen before actually having consensual sex, it just means to push or insist a bit, if you never push a "no" in your life you will never have sex man.

posted about 3 years ago

CRAZY!! He has been blamed for this girl's insecurity and lack of capacity to break up!! C'mon!! The guy was finding excuses to leaver her, find motives to break up and she just wouldn't let him.

If you ever had sex in your life, sometimes one of the parts just doesn't want it at the begning, but you give a little push and it happens, she can awlays look seriously at him and get the fuck out of him, but sayin 'NooOo" with a fucking baby voice while you are laughing doesn't mean shit, if you are a men and had sex at least once in your life you know girls almost 100% of the time say no at first, just so you can insist. C'mon. Be serious, give him a serious look, she is just riding the guy and saying no, that isn't plausible, this girl is nuts, has no self respect/love, doesn't have a little bit of pride, and is a coward, fearing the breakup. After all that toxic relationship SHE WANTS TO GET BACK WITH HIM? This girl is crazy, I'm not taking any of what she is saying into acount, I'm sorry.

posted about 3 years ago

She is complaining of how bad he treated her, he "made" her use IUD, because he refuses to wear a condom... Dude just don't have sex with him them? wtf? Use birth control pills... The dude leaves you crying in the bathroom and goes to sleep, this is not his fault, he didn't care about her and even so you stayed with him, as if you liked playing the victim, he was a shitty boyfriend, but that girl was even shitier for staying with him all this time, despite the way he treated her. After all that, she finally breaks up with him, and then, guess what? WANTS TO GET BACK TOGETHER!! WTF!! THIS GIRL IS MENTAL, HAS NO SELF LOVE, HAS NO PRIDE AND WANTS TO COMPLAIN AND DESTROY A GUY'S CARRER BECAUSE OF HOW BAD SHE ALLOWED HERSELF TO BE TREATED.

The world today is a joke, you can't treat a girl badly, if she doesn't have the courage to brake up you, you are an abuser... No... He didn't like her, treated her the way he wanted, she didn't like that, just break up with him, now you endure a bad relatioship so you can complain of how bad you were treated? c'mon, that's nuts, that's a thing sick people do, people with mental health issues, literally.

posted about 3 years ago

“I'm glad that I quit Fortnite. I fucking hate that game. Life is good.” LMAO

posted about 3 years ago

I agree with this.

posted about 3 years ago

s1mple wouldn't, because his cheats wouldn't work.

posted about 3 years ago

The no flashbang comp strikes again lol

posted about 3 years ago

This basically proves the EU no flashbang meta sucks.

posted about 3 years ago

That guy is probably a die hard cs fan who is tilted by valorant viewership. Look at his nickname. Lol

posted about 3 years ago

Ok, true. Agreeable. But drone is far behind. And even though asuna and Sinatraa haven't been playing phoenix lately, their phoenix is absolutely better than Drone's.

posted about 4 years ago

Meaning, for me the only way to play Sage + another sentinel is with Skye instead of Sova.

posted about 4 years ago

I don't have a problem with Sage. I have a problem with having no flashbangs. They pick sage instead of an agent who can actually blind people.

1 - Sova
2 - Jett/Raze
3 - Sage
4 - Breach
5 - Omen/brim


1 - Skye
2- Jett/Rze
3 - Sage
4 - Cypher/killjoy
5 - Omen/brim


1 - Sova
3 - Phoenix/reyna
4 - Cypher/killjoy
5 - Omen/brim


1 - Sova
2 - Jett/raze
3 - Breach
4 - Cypher/killjoy
5 - Omen/brim


1 - Sova
2 - Jett/Raze
3 - Sage
4 - phoenix/reyna
5 - Omen/brim

Those are the only comps possible imo. Yes. Because of flashbangs. I think they are extremely important.

posted about 4 years ago

I don't like it. You say things as if the duelists have no abilities at all... For example, the Reyna and phoenix are better for second entry, the jett and raze for first entry fragger. I don't see how playing without flashbangs could be good. It's bad for retaking, for clearing corners, for defending pushes, and for entrying.

posted about 4 years ago

Exactly. Or switching Drone to Sova. He is not playing duelists very well.

Also Drone is far from being the best phoneix in NA. He was good in the first strike, but first strike was basically a duel betweem 2 teams, Sentinels and TSM, when the other teams caught up, he started playing bad.

Also, Dafran has insane aim, he could become very good, also he plays phoenix very well. But IDK if he is just joking or wants to go pro. The best phoneix are:

  1. Android
  2. Asuna
  3. Sinatraa
    4 . Sick
  4. Food

And then, maybe, drone.

posted about 4 years ago

I partially agree, the number of deaths don't really matter. Of corse K/D is not the best stat, you can look at just the kills, the results will be similar as of the K/D, or the adr, they are most likely proportional.

posted about 4 years ago

You just quoted 2 duelists man. If you don't have flashbangs you gotta use the duelists movements right? So why the fuck sage?

posted about 4 years ago

But if you play 2 duelist you will still have kj/cypher in your team...

I mean, only in the masters we will get to see wich meta is actually better. I just don't like the no flashbangs meta that's going on in EU.

posted about 4 years ago

Of course, people are finding it a bit unfair. But Riot knows why they only gave EU+CIS+TURKEY 2 spots, they must have their reasons.

posted about 4 years ago

But why those indicate the playerbase? The numbers of valorant in EU streams are trash, also you guys added with CIS and turkey only got 2 spots for masters.

posted about 4 years ago

Dafran from overwatch is insane. But I don't know if he wants to go pro. We also have TenZ and Aceu, both very talented players that only want to play on Twitch.

posted about 4 years ago

Think with me, if omen uses his paranoia to defend, or to gain time for his teammates to arrive. How they retake sites without flashbangs? They just literally peak everything and hope their aim is good enough to take advantage of the peaker's adavantage.

posted about 4 years ago

The comps with breach are good. I just don't think the new Sage meta with no flashbangs and no real firepower is good though. I'm saying that, because 100T is trying to copy EU, but is their playstile the best? I don't feel like it is. I think it's the worst.

posted about 4 years ago

I'm not crying. I just don't see the EU scene as strong as people think. It's the region where everybody still plays CS, with the less amount of players, and the lowest level of the game. I really don't think EU is strong at all.

100T is trying to copy EU meta, but is this meta really any good? I don't think so. That's just a questioning. Think about it.

posted about 4 years ago

Go play CS without flashes and watch what happens. That's what those EU nobrainers are doing. They will get destroyed.

posted about 4 years ago

will see

posted about 4 years ago

I really don't like the EU meta, only when they play Breach. When they play Sage instead of breach and only 1 duelist, they literaly have no flashbangs, that sucks for entry fragging and for getting kills while defending a site, also they lose the ability to clear corners and to retake a site more easily.

I believe when EU faces the NA and BR teams they will get destroyed by the Flashbangs, the agression, and the retake capability the flashes bring.

Coming from CS, I know that flashbangs are a big part in strategies, there's no way a no flashbang meta is a good one. That will be tested in may at the first international event. Valorant Masters.

posted about 4 years ago

Sage ressurected him 17 times during the match. I get it. LOL

posted about 4 years ago

39 deaths in 22 rounds. I'm LMAO!! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about 4 years ago

How the ranking system tells a lot about the game? I don't get it. CS also has those kinds of personalities streaming, Shroud hit 90k in his stream, he normaly has around 30k, Valorant is bringing him up, not the contrary.

Gaules gets 50k everytime he streams CS at least, and has 40k everytime he streams everyother game, so his numbers should'nt count for CS? 100k less viewers in big brazilian matches.

posted about 4 years ago

No, you can't compare 2 totaly different games like that. You can compare lol and Dota, you can compare Valorant and CS, you can compare fortnite and PUBG, but c'mon man... You can say Fortnite is the biggest battle royale, killed PUBG, lol is the biggest MOBA, killed dota, and we will say that about Valorant vs CS soon.

posted about 4 years ago

Also, pretty sure Masters is gonna hit 400k viewers.

posted about 4 years ago

lol no. In brazil Gaules is bigger than the game, if he is streaming the game it gets 50k+ views, if hes playing other games he gets 40k+ views. You are stating that Shround and Myth make Valorant numbers increase, but CSGO also has those kind of personalities who watch the game together and adds lots of viewers to the real amount.

posted about 4 years ago

It's true dude, how well has TSM been playing in the last 5 months? Just check Drone's stats.

posted about 4 years ago

lol how can you be so dumb man. Delete this post, makes you look retard. How can a player have 39 deaths in 22 rounds? He could only have 22 deaths max. Meaning his K/D would be 18, not 1. C'mon, be smarter next time.

posted about 4 years ago

It's also not my video, just saw that on youtube I thought it was funny and wanted to share. I don't have a youtube channel lol.

posted about 4 years ago
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