Flag: Canada
Registered: July 19, 2020
Last post: May 4, 2021 at 1:07 AM
Posts: 111
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I think Sentinels can go decently far. I am very pessimistic on NA Valorant. I honestly think Korea might be better than NA right now, as well as Brazil. But Sentinels have a lot of mechanically good players which is why I think they will beat Nuturn. I can see the Brazilian teams beating them though. Brazilian Valorant is nuts.

posted about 3 years ago

Huynh is also available.

posted about 3 years ago

The final will be Fnatic vs Team Liquid

Nuturn and both Brazilian teams will win against Version 1

posted about 3 years ago

Huge for any team that picks him up.

Potential teams he could join:

T1 are probably making roster changes, and JcStani trialed with T1 back in beta. So he could end up there.

TSM maybe? But TSM need a proper IGL so probably not.

He could end up on Gen.G replacing Huynh which would make for a pretty scary team.

Marved is likely getting dropped from Faze eventually. He could replace him.

Tex is also probably getting dropped from NRG. JcStani could take his place.

Maybe EG will finally explode their roster and pick up tier one players as well. Alexandar, Temperature and JcStani is a strong core.

posted about 3 years ago

I hope its Mitch but it's probably Poiz.

posted about 3 years ago


Team Liquid is looking super hot right now. But I still think they are in a bit of a honeymoon period. I think they are a great team, but I don't think they can keep up their performance. Scream is insane, but we've seen the other 4 members do some really bone headed plays in the past. Hopefully they can keep this level of play up, because they are my #2 going into Iceland.

Sentinels are good but still playing very puggy. People say they are very adaptable but their inability to make TenZ on Raze work is very telling. Instead they've resorted to slapping Tenz on Reyna (or Jett) and having him kill everyone. They will get hard exposed at Iceland.

Fnatic play some of the most innovative Valorant in the world. They pioneered the Viper long before it ever became meta. Derke is an elite level talent. Doma is a fantastic duelist as well. Boaster is a great IGL and can also frag out. And best of all this Fnatic roster is still very young, so they have a ton of room to grow. I'm not only looking at them as the favorites going into Iceland, but potentially even Masters 3 at the end of the year.

posted about 3 years ago

Drop Drone who plays Sova for a smoke player... Big fuckin brain right here.

posted about 3 years ago

5 entry fraggers on one team.... Hmmm... What could go wrong.

posted about 3 years ago

You: god player go kill is the optimal strategy

Also you: Sentinels have a deeper play book than Ascend and BBL which is why they are better.

Sounds like picking Reyna and headshotting everyone isn't actually the best strategy? Sounds like even you agree that actually having a good strategy is what makes a team good?

posted about 3 years ago

Sliggy is a fucking MORON for not putting Scream on Reyna. Does he not watch NA games? Doesn't he know all you have to do is put your best player on Reyna? Why does TL bother with preparing agent comps and coming up with good strategy and team play? Makes zero sense if you ask me.


posted about 3 years ago

Bruh Sentinels can hardly even make Raze. They just resort to putting Tenz on Reyna and having him kill everyone. NA is in a sad state where this is actually a dominant strategy.

posted about 3 years ago

Split is defender sided when teams don't know how to play it. But at the highest level it can become attacker sided (see Europe).

posted about 3 years ago

Wow it's almost like they are the #1 seeded team going into the event...

posted about 3 years ago

cNed > Russ > Wardell

posted about 3 years ago

Wasn't he playing in Valorant tournaments during beta? Why do you think he has no chance of switching?

posted about 3 years ago

Assuming AvovA is on a top team in Europe I would consider this roster fairly unlikely...

posted about 3 years ago

Wardell hasn't had the same impact as Cned, Tenz, Scream, Xand or Babybay in a loooong time.

posted about 3 years ago

C9 needs some roster changes. I'd like to see them go forward with

  • Poiz (Jett)
  • Xeta (Breach)
  • Brax (Cypher/Killjoy)
  • AZK (Omen)
  • Leaf (Sova?)

AZK was a good Breach on T1 as well. So you could change the agents around a bit.

posted about 4 years ago

Edit: I forgot to mention that some agents do actually soft counter others. For example, Sova ult can destroy Killjoy ult. Sova can shoot a recon dart into Vipers ultimate. Brimstone's ult counters Sage ult, etc. So that is another thing to think about during draft or when people are theory crafting comps.

posted about 4 years ago

A lot of teams run different team comps on the same map. G2 for example has run different comps on Haven every single game this year. Also some teams run very unique comps, like Fnatic's Viper comp on Bind.

Adding a draft mode where you can adjust your comp mid draft would make preparing against these teams easier. Imagine a team comes up with an anti-strat comp to Fnatic's Viper on Bind and they load into the game and Fnatic aren't even running Viper anymore.

It's not like certain agents directly counter other agents, but sometimes you would like to change up your comp based on what the opposing team is playing. So if G2 is playing their Skye comp you can run a comp you prepared against it, but if G2 is playing their Sage comp then you might want to run a different agent because you've prepared anti-strats involving various agents.

posted about 4 years ago

A pick system should have been implemented a long time ago, at least on the pro level. The fact that teams don't know the enemy team comp until they actually load into the game is really weird. The picking should be like League, where each team picks 1 or 2 agents at a time. That way teams can adapt their team comps going into the game.

Bans could come later though. Maybe by the end of 2021 their will be enough agents for bans.

posted about 4 years ago

For real though. Brax has been a mid tier player at best, while Dapr is one of the best sentinel players in the world.

posted about 4 years ago

Drop Dazed? The amount of improvement that has come out of T1 since Dazed joined the roster has been astronomical. I'd say he along with Skadoodle are the most valuable players on T1.

When you say "more time with their new coach they could become a better at the other maps" it shows that you don't really know what you are talking about... Their new coach is literally a sports psychologist... He doesn't know Valorant at a high level. He's not going to be providing the team with new strats or anything.

posted about 4 years ago

Supamen? Is IMT trying a 6 man roster?

posted about 4 years ago

Glad C9 White is finding success.

posted about 4 years ago

And why does that upset you so much?

posted about 4 years ago

Here comes the thinly veiled sexism whenever (gasp) a woman shows up on screen.

posted about 4 years ago

FNS Viper?! Also Food on Sage? Hell yeah

posted about 4 years ago

Isn't it confirmed Silenx is subbing for Nitro?

posted about 4 years ago

C9 White > Renegades > C9 Blue

posted about 4 years ago

Mummay had some really good games on Omen as well, and Food is pretty cracked on duelists. I think it's good that NV are experimenting and are able to be flexible. Having an OPer that is willing to take a more supportive role opens up a ton of options for them.

posted about 4 years ago

What the hell is this quarterfinals?

posted about 4 years ago

C9 will field a roster. It's not like TenZ suddenly brought this up today.

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

"washed up like Ange1" he says, as Ange1 is literally one of the best IGL's and an insane rifler. Sounds to me like DImasick is about to pound.

posted about 4 years ago

In no particular order.
EU: Ardis, Lowel, Zyppan, Angel, Sayf, Yacine, Paura, Nukkye, Mixwell, Scream
NA: Tenz, Sinatra, Steel, Drone, Wardell, Subroza when on Omen, Dapr, Shazham, Asuna

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

C9 are a bit of a mess. It looks like they brought in Leaf without thinking at all about what role he should fulfill.

First he was on Cypher, then Breach, now Reyna?

I hope this is just C9 experimenting and not them falling apart.

posted about 4 years ago

Almost a year of Valorant Esports and Ninja is still getting invited to top tournaments and getting screen time over Cloud 9 and TSM.

posted about 4 years ago

Hope Fnatic picks up SUM, and EG picks up the ex-Chaos team (if they prove themselves to be good). Vitality could also make a really good french team.

posted about 4 years ago

NA is so puggy. As soon as TSM ran into an actually coordinated team they folded.

posted about 4 years ago

JcStani is also from Krunker. I found him. Go to 3:14 and look at the player names
JcStani appears multiple times in this video.
I wasn't able to find Dicey, but he is definitely from Krunker as well.

posted about 4 years ago

Nope. He is genuinely from Krunker.io.

posted about 4 years ago

grow up

posted about 4 years ago

Icebox is terrible to watch... Pros have been saying Sentinels are really good at the map, and they literally just 5 man A or B each round. Literally zero nuance. Pure caveman gameplay.

posted about 4 years ago

G2 2-1
They played loose and sloppy today. I expect them to tighten up against Heretics.

posted about 4 years ago

Icebox map 1? This is spicy.

posted about 4 years ago
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