"IGLs aren't supposed to frag"

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People that actually watch tac fps ignore these retards. They obviously don't watch or just hardcore baiting. I even saw someone say initiators aren't supposed to frag. Think it was rocket. This makes 0 sense when you realize 3 people on the team can't kill 5 people. It's not iron vs radiant challenge it's pro vs pro. The trades are going be there and then your left with your IGL and initiator that can't shoot. What are you going to do? Win? Absolutely not. Clueless people.


My goat Munchkin fired shots and everyone‘s butthurt

Zaphkiel [#2]

My goat Munchkin fired shots and everyone‘s butthurt

I don't get how people think like that. Like when sacy can't shoot everyone defends him. He can shoot rn tho which is the best time.


I don't think anyone who's an igl(or atleast have some shame) uses this as an excuse and it's a false narrative in the community

Diebs [#4]

I don't think anyone who's an igl(or atleast have some shame) uses this as an excuse and it's a false narrative in the community

Obviously. Every pro knows they can be better but the watches don't know that.

Diebs [#4]

I don't think anyone who's an igl(or atleast have some shame) uses this as an excuse and it's a false narrative in the community

True, it‘s just that people are too used to watching igls bottom frag every match so i wouldn’t blame em as well.

Diebs [#4]

I don't think anyone who's an igl(or atleast have some shame) uses this as an excuse and it's a false narrative in the community


Zaphkiel [#6]

True, it‘s just that people are too used to watching igls bottom frag every match so i wouldn’t blame em as well.

casters keep mentioning this as well so i guess it's a subconscious thing at this point


Their are some truths to an igler isn't expected to frag and by that statement I mean top frag or be a high kda, they are expected to get kills don't get me wrong but thoses kind of roles are more aimed towards your dualists/initiators, their are exceptions to igls that can top frag but their aren't many out their right now, and igl role is to coordinate your team to be in a position to win and that takes alot of concentration which can act as a distraction to your performance which has been proven over the many years of FPS titles, how ever yes 3 players on a team aren't expected to kill against 5 that would be as you rightly stated doesn't make sense i think a misunderstanding of the statement " igls arent expected to frag" they are but not at the level of the other roles in the team

Shooka [#9]

Their are some truths to an igler isn't expected to frag and by that statement I mean top frag or be a high kda, they are expected to get kills don't get me wrong but thoses kind of roles are more aimed towards your dualists/initiators, their are exceptions to igls that can top frag but their aren't many out their right now, and igl role is to coordinate your team to be in a position to win and that takes alot of concentration which can act as a distraction to your performance which has been proven over the many years of FPS titles, how ever yes 3 players on a team aren't expected to kill against 5 that would be as you rightly stated doesn't make sense i think a misunderstanding of the statement " igls arent expected to frag" they are but not at the level of the other roles in the team

Yes I agree with this. IGLs should be able to frag but not to the extent of duelists, and the person thats second in.

nihso [#3]

I don't get how people think like that. Like when sacy can't shoot everyone defends him. He can shoot rn tho which is the best time.

reason everyone defends him is because of the shit he’s doing rn

Zaphkiel [#2]

My goat Munchkin fired shots and everyone‘s butthurt

the problem on geng is lakia

kanyenum1fan [#11]

reason everyone defends him is because of the shit he’s doing rn

Yeah he keeps doing this shit for SEN I'll defend him as much as I can.


IGLs and honestly every non entry support agent has less kill chances in game everyone should be able to shoot it is still a tac fps and if you think that other shit is more important look at PRX's placements legit solely based on frags that being said it makes sense why IGL/non entry inti players get less frags cause 9/10 they are not in a good spot to get a kill or have legit zero util to help em out they also get less kill chances than most roles and get the worst kill situations too unlike duelist/smokes/lurker/2nd entry who get supportive util/have there own util and they also get to decide which timings and fights they want to take

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