FUT has been weakened by "familiarity"

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MrFaliN responds to an interview with Japanese media.

Members are "like family"
-Of the teams that consistently compete in the world championships in VCT, there are not many teams where all players are of the same nationality, only FUT, DRX, and Gen.G. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages unique to such teams?

MrFaliN: I don't know much about how it is in other parts of the world, so I would say that in my experience in Turkey, the advantage is that we have a relationship with our members as if we are family. We get along well, and if there is a mistake, we can all correct it together. We speak the same language to begin with, so that is also an advantage in terms of communication.

Personally, I have the impression that teams that engage in this kind of familiarization behavior are getting weaker, and so are PRX and NAVI.
As professionals, we should maintain a businesslike and tense relationship.
What do you guys think?

As professionals, we should maintain a businesslike and tense relationship.



Hard to comment on since we dont know how they deal with stuff exactly
I for sure can see it cause issues (harder to make roster changes, people are more forgiving of mistakes and stuff like that)
but also I really dont think the businesslike and tense relationship is that beneficial for esports. Ya gotta play day in and day out with these people. If you cant become friends with them youre not gonna enjoy your time and inadvertently lose your motivation

Personally I think most of the downsides of a more friendly environment can be fixed by the correct coach. "Just" get someone who all the players respect enough and who is willing to light a fire under their ass when they do stupid shit.

But yeeeea, the segment is super short so im making a ton of assumptions about what he meant here.


I think they should kick cned, this is not a family, they can find a better player
-cNed +xeus(maybe)
-atakaptan +ruxic


But I thought NRG roster relationships were businesslike and tense relationship. Ultimately that didn't work out. T1 autumn also mentioned about how he wanted a line between the players to prevent them from being too close and not being proffesional and businesslike, and then they lost to DFM 💀


T1 and NRG are literally doing the opposite of this

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