i just dont see sen winning haven or icebox
edit: i take it all back
W cscheater post as usual
thank you alsdhflkahflkajsdhlfhsadl!
bro, CW fans are the most based fanbase itw
ofc it would be a common W for u
Alright settle down brother
theres bubbles coming out
Bubbles is crazy lmfao
This will be G0ng's first 0-2 defeat of the year
ok and?
they won't win icebox
weren't SEN a shit team on Icebox? did they suddenly get good at it overnight or what?
Their icebox was decent before they started permabanning but im not sure why, I don't watch VCT americas that much.
oh wow never noticed that geng have not lost 0-2 this year cool
It's also possible for SEN 2-0 just like Madrid final
I'm familiar with your game, Gen.G
possible I think
confidence, momentum left the chat
It's more like I don't see Gen.G winning Icebox
I have my doubts with Haven, Gen.G's Haven against Sentines looked really clean