Mazino's Ex accused him of abuse. This dude switched to rape. IDK how much more obvious I can make it.
Alex didn't switch it to rape. He simply showcased an example of false allegations that does occur IRL. He was simply trying to provide an example. Nowhere did he say that he classifies the allegation as a rape allegation. Show me where Alex says that this is a rape allegation. You can't, because he didn't.
This is just not how a single human of the face of the earth operates or should operate. You wouldn't expect your doctor to treat ebola as equally likely as the common cold because you are an individual. You do not know what you are talking about. Yes racists do use similar talking points. Part of the reason those points can be so gripping for many idiots is because there is a shred of logic in them. However, racists will intentionally remove or ignore context to make it seem like the causes for those statistics (usually crime statistics) are because of inherent attributes of people of a certain race not because of how our society over polices and discriminate against certain groups. You do not understand what you are talking about.
You dingus I'm not referring to medicine. What I said is specifically in the context of criminal charges/accusations of misconduct. Your analogy about ebola and the common cold is entirely besides the point because medicine and criminal law should not be handled the same! How can you not see this? Instead of using false analogies, explain how it is ever ok to assume someone is guilty because of the statistics of that crime.
No shit sherlock. Where did I advocate for jailing Mazino? Better yet where did I even say Mazino was guilty (here's a hint you won't find it because I don't assume he is). You talk big game about how I misrepresent this fucker then you misrepresent me. Innocent until proven guilt is a legal standard because imprisoning an innocent person is a violent crime. Innocent until proven guilty is by definition illogical. Being unable to prove a positive does not make the negative true. Just because I cannot prove that there is a star exactly 912.321 million light years away does not mean that there is certainly not a star 912.321 million light years away.
If you do not assume that Mazino is guilty, then there is absolutely zero point in bringing up the statistics of allegations. Please go back and read the posts as I reference them in the next few sentences. In #4, Alex asks how could a psychologist testimony be useful, as he doesn't understand. In #8 you provide an explanation in response to #4. In response to what you wrote in #8, in #14 Alex raises the possibility of a psychologist testimony not being valid, and provides an example of how it could not be proof of an allegation. He does not say this is what is happening here. He does not say that this is a rape allegation. He simply provides an example to demonstrate his legitimate concern about why a psychologist's testimony might not be iron-clad evidence. In #12, I addressed Alex's concerns in a much more succinct and tangible way than you did in #8, and he had no disagreements with me.
The only reason I brought up innocent until proven guilty is because it seems like you are assuming Mazino is guilty. However, I do see that you didn't say that explicitly anywhere, so if you truly are not assuming Mazino's guilty, I am sorry for misunderstanding you.
Looking back, it seems like we are fighting each other's non existent ghosts. I think you're assuming Mazino is guilty, and you think we're assuming he's innocent, when it would seem neither is the case.
You might have had a point (not really but if I'm being incredibly generous) until again he accused sinatraa's ex of a crime without evidence. He literally proved my point. With sinatraa its innocent until proven guilty, but with his ex she's automatically guilty of having falsified an allegation without any corroborating evidence. He would not agree with me if he holds these opinions. As long as he holds these opinions and as long as you defend him I will say you are scum simple as that. Not believing an allegation automatically is the normal thing to do yes. Insisting that the alleged is innocent to the point of calling an accusation a lie without evidence is not. The real neutral stance is not "innocent until proven guilty" but "idk he might have done it he might not have we don't know until more information comes out but I will not make any assertions." Whatever I'm done here you're just as scum as him for defending him good luck.
I 100% agree with you on what the real neutral stance is. I literally said the same thing in my first point in #37: "Until proof of her allegations arises, or proof of her faking this arises, you can't be conclusive either way. It doesn't matter what the statistics on these types of cases are."
I never said that Mazino is definitively innocent, the same way it turns out you never definitively said he's guilty. Alex also never said Mazino is definitively innocent. He literally said in #4 that he is not taking sides. Once again, the only reason I ever talked about "innocent until proven guilty" is because I thought you were insisting that he's guilty. W/respect to Sinatraa, as far as I can tell, the official investigation found him innocent, there is a lot of controversy surrounding it, and I didn't follow that when it happened, so I cannot speak to it. A lot of people think Sinatraa is innocent, and evidently Alex is one of those people. Once again, I don't have an informed opinion on that issue. I think it would have been better for Alex to reference the Flashback incident instead of such a controversial one, because once again, Alex was simply trying to provide examples of false/inaccurate allegations because he thought you were assuming guilt, the same way you thought he was assuming innocence.
One last thing. It turns out we now have 3rd party testimony seeming to go against the accuser's claims. It is from a streamer who was in the friend group with mazino and his ex gf. And guess which vlr user is bringing us this testimony? Alex, the guy who you assumed has no legitimate reason to back his concerns.
Maybe you should stop assuming the worst in people, because it turns out Alex had material to make him question the allegations. Is this 3rd party testimony conclusive? No it isn't, but you can't entirely discard it either.
I'm sorry for assuming your beliefs. I hope you realize you've been doing the same to me and Alex.