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they made it close against these chinese demons? maybe they arent as bad as we think...


Every team in this group is a bottom 4 team.


Nah. Vitality is bad. Like really bad. Kicks isnt a pro player

bonkarfanboy1 [#2]

Every team in this group is a bottom 4 team.

tsm clears you budddddy


Half of the team is ass but if sayf manages to deliver they can still qual

bonkarfanboy1 [#2]

Every team in this group is a bottom 4 team.

rare L from you


Half of the team is ass but if sayf manages to deliver they can still qual

sayf when he isnt sleeping is goated, trexx is very good and cender is one of the best upcoming fragging igls, imagine +Leo +chiwawa/Alorante?

idkbro [#7]

sayf when he isnt sleeping is goated, trexx is very good and cender is one of the best upcoming fragging igls, imagine +Leo +chiwawa/Alorante?

+Leo +Patitek would make a top 10 team itw

DBStudios [#8]

+Leo +Patitek would make a top 10 team itw

weird roles tho unless Leo wants to play smokes or sentinel


yea because levs comp is total dogshit

idkbro [#9]

weird roles tho unless Leo wants to play smokes or sentinel

Leo wont be an option. I would love to see Sayf going back to Team Liquid with nAts as Sentinel, Trexx as Initiator, Patitek as Flex but idk about the IGL. Sad to see one of the biggest orgs not qualifiying for any international event.


Leo wont be an option. I would love to see Sayf going back to Team Liquid with nAts as Sentinel, Trexx as Initiator, Patitek as Flex but idk about the IGL. Sad to see one of the biggest orgs not qualifiying for any international event.

Sayf wont go back there, Vitality more likely to build a good roster than liquid who need a complete rebuild, Vitality only need a sentinel and someone better than Kicks

idkbro [#12]

Sayf wont go back there, Vitality more likely to build a good roster than liquid who need a complete rebuild, Vitality only need a sentinel and someone better than Kicks

Sorry for the late reply! ur right actually I was just saying I feel like they should have a banger roster with their name in esports. whats ur possible vitality roster for 2025?


Sorry for the late reply! ur right actually I was just saying I feel like they should have a banger roster with their name in esports. whats ur possible vitality roster for 2025?

very likely they pick up hiro if fnatic doesnt want to keep him, personally I would like to see Alfa + Leo going there, Alfajer talked about how Leo is his best friend and he felt his absence and I think Fnatic wont kick Boaster + they kinda stagnated a bit, if Fnatic dont want to be serious for 2025 I think it would be a good option for Leo and maybe even Alfajer to reunite with sayf/trexx, would be an incredible roster on paper but its probably not realistic since it would cost a lot of money to take them out of fnatic unless vitality are willing to break the bank to build a top roster and those two push to leave so I would get hiro if Leo stays in fnatic and for the support/flex player I have my doubts personally I like Flickless but I have no idea about how he would fit in terms of personality, I feel like Kicks does his role pretty well and is solid individually but needs to improve his output, adding hiro and keeping kicks/getting someone like flickless would be a very good roster but honestly I would love to see them add Leo + Alfajer, that roster would be stacked and I kinda feel like Leo/Alfajer are a bit burned out from the Fnatic enviorement, a change might be the best for all parties while Fnatic can try to rebuild around Derke/Chronicle and think about wether transition Boaster to coaching or keeping him to lead the rebuild before stepping down

idkbro [#14]

very likely they pick up hiro if fnatic doesnt want to keep him, personally I would like to see Alfa + Leo going there, Alfajer talked about how Leo is his best friend and he felt his absence and I think Fnatic wont kick Boaster + they kinda stagnated a bit, if Fnatic dont want to be serious for 2025 I think it would be a good option for Leo and maybe even Alfajer to reunite with sayf/trexx, would be an incredible roster on paper but its probably not realistic since it would cost a lot of money to take them out of fnatic unless vitality are willing to break the bank to build a top roster and those two push to leave so I would get hiro if Leo stays in fnatic and for the support/flex player I have my doubts personally I like Flickless but I have no idea about how he would fit in terms of personality, I feel like Kicks does his role pretty well and is solid individually but needs to improve his output, adding hiro and keeping kicks/getting someone like flickless would be a very good roster but honestly I would love to see them add Leo + Alfajer, that roster would be stacked and I kinda feel like Leo/Alfajer are a bit burned out from the Fnatic enviorement, a change might be the best for all parties while Fnatic can try to rebuild around Derke/Chronicle and think about wether transition Boaster to coaching or keeping him to lead the rebuild before stepping down

I forgot about patitek but I guess he would be a pretty good option too

idkbro [#14]

very likely they pick up hiro if fnatic doesnt want to keep him, personally I would like to see Alfa + Leo going there, Alfajer talked about how Leo is his best friend and he felt his absence and I think Fnatic wont kick Boaster + they kinda stagnated a bit, if Fnatic dont want to be serious for 2025 I think it would be a good option for Leo and maybe even Alfajer to reunite with sayf/trexx, would be an incredible roster on paper but its probably not realistic since it would cost a lot of money to take them out of fnatic unless vitality are willing to break the bank to build a top roster and those two push to leave so I would get hiro if Leo stays in fnatic and for the support/flex player I have my doubts personally I like Flickless but I have no idea about how he would fit in terms of personality, I feel like Kicks does his role pretty well and is solid individually but needs to improve his output, adding hiro and keeping kicks/getting someone like flickless would be a very good roster but honestly I would love to see them add Leo + Alfajer, that roster would be stacked and I kinda feel like Leo/Alfajer are a bit burned out from the Fnatic enviorement, a change might be the best for all parties while Fnatic can try to rebuild around Derke/Chronicle and think about wether transition Boaster to coaching or keeping him to lead the rebuild before stepping down

That would be a cool roster for sure but I don't think thats gonna happen. Pretty sure Leo will come back to Fnatic and they won't split. Imagine they had a peak Leo this champs with derke and chronicle inform aswell. Would've been scary. Imo Vitality should pick up Sheydos as Sentinel and Patitek as Flex. Ofc hiro is there as senti but I think they will have a better chemistry with sheydos. Hes been pretty decent lately and brings a lot experience. Pati brings vibe and confidence. Idk too much about their coach if they should change something there aswell. And Hiro idk if he could switch on another role because like in both turkish teams their best player is the sentinel. I would love to see him go to like BBL and build a 2nd turkish power house and they pick up xeus aswell the current best talent in t2 for me. Maybe possible if they decide to rebuild their roster and pick up t2 talent.


That would be a cool roster for sure but I don't think thats gonna happen. Pretty sure Leo will come back to Fnatic and they won't split. Imagine they had a peak Leo this champs with derke and chronicle inform aswell. Would've been scary. Imo Vitality should pick up Sheydos as Sentinel and Patitek as Flex. Ofc hiro is there as senti but I think they will have a better chemistry with sheydos. Hes been pretty decent lately and brings a lot experience. Pati brings vibe and confidence. Idk too much about their coach if they should change something there aswell. And Hiro idk if he could switch on another role because like in both turkish teams their best player is the sentinel. I would love to see him go to like BBL and build a 2nd turkish power house and they pick up xeus aswell the current best talent in t2 for me. Maybe possible if they decide to rebuild their roster and pick up t2 talent.

I think Boaster is too limited individually for Fnatic to win against the best teams, sheydos and patitek are interesting calls but from the outside I cant tell if they are the right fits, they should also consider getting elite if he can speak english, if I was hire I wouldnt go to a clown org like BBL since he will have offers from every single org out there, doubt BBL have the pull to pickup xeus since every team in EMEA will be looking at him, BBL imo are not serious if they go for a turkish roster again, elite needs to be saved from that org and hiro/xeus should go to other teams since many teams will begin a big rebuild next year


That would be a cool roster for sure but I don't think thats gonna happen. Pretty sure Leo will come back to Fnatic and they won't split. Imagine they had a peak Leo this champs with derke and chronicle inform aswell. Would've been scary. Imo Vitality should pick up Sheydos as Sentinel and Patitek as Flex. Ofc hiro is there as senti but I think they will have a better chemistry with sheydos. Hes been pretty decent lately and brings a lot experience. Pati brings vibe and confidence. Idk too much about their coach if they should change something there aswell. And Hiro idk if he could switch on another role because like in both turkish teams their best player is the sentinel. I would love to see him go to like BBL and build a 2nd turkish power house and they pick up xeus aswell the current best talent in t2 for me. Maybe possible if they decide to rebuild their roster and pick up t2 talent.

btw crazy year for orgs to rebuild, whoever gets click/xeus as their young duelists have won offseason, patitek/hiro on the market too, orgs like KC/Liquid that are midtable/playoffs level can become world beaters with the right moves ngl

idkbro [#18]

btw crazy year for orgs to rebuild, whoever gets click/xeus as their young duelists have won offseason, patitek/hiro on the market too, orgs like KC/Liquid that are midtable/playoffs level can become world beaters with the right moves ngl

Yeah I was just thinking about either a 2nd strong turkish team because of the turkish talent in t2 or build a similar team to heretics with hiro and xeus for example. with similar i mean their friendship in the team. I feel like it would be a nice mix chemistry wise to pick up not only hiro but another turkish talent aswell.
Whoever picks up xeus/click will be scary I agree.

And with Boaster I do think its fine if he works on himself in the offseason. On his aim aswell as on their playstyle. He still is pretty good in midrounding and they could potentially play worse if they get a new IGL. Fragging igls are meta rn kinda so if he has more firepower and fix things like for example go for things like 1 man advantage they go offside and play full retake against teams like heretics to lose on time they would be fine I think. Like anti strat the teams better. U cant give heretics full site control because theyre insane on post plants thats why i choose that as example.


Yeah I was just thinking about either a 2nd strong turkish team because of the turkish talent in t2 or build a similar team to heretics with hiro and xeus for example. with similar i mean their friendship in the team. I feel like it would be a nice mix chemistry wise to pick up not only hiro but another turkish talent aswell.
Whoever picks up xeus/click will be scary I agree.

And with Boaster I do think its fine if he works on himself in the offseason. On his aim aswell as on their playstyle. He still is pretty good in midrounding and they could potentially play worse if they get a new IGL. Fragging igls are meta rn kinda so if he has more firepower and fix things like for example go for things like 1 man advantage they go offside and play full retake against teams like heretics to lose on time they would be fine I think. Like anti strat the teams better. U cant give heretics full site control because theyre insane on post plants thats why i choose that as example.

he is not gonna improve past a certain point, he still improved a lot recently and he was the worst player statistically at champs, he is just not gifted enough and wont be able to be as good as players who work regularly on their individual skill and have a huge advantage over him, for him to be on par with fragging igls he would need years to even have a chance, in order to improve that it would take a toll on the work he does for the team and there is no guarantee he becomes skilled enough, mechanics/individual skill is something you need to have as a base the moment you go pro not something u work afterwards, thats why I think his time is up as a player and needs to become a coach


Hm we'll see in the future. Ofc he won't frag like kiNgg or someone like that but he can do better for sure. Idk if Fnatic can keep up their dominance if they release boaster. Hes not only macro managing hes also micro managing. Who should they get instead? It can work yeah but it can be worse than before.


Hm we'll see in the future. Ofc he won't frag like kiNgg or someone like that but he can do better for sure. Idk if Fnatic can keep up their dominance if they release boaster. Hes not only macro managing hes also micro managing. Who should they get instead? It can work yeah but it can be worse than before.

the thing is that those players dont need micro managing, Leo/Derke used to help boaster a lot with midrounding since he isnt that great of a caller, even guys like chronicle are super smart I am sure they will be fine without him, there is only one Boaster and there are many teams doing well without him and even worse players out there, I dont think he is that good of an IGL either, good when it comes to creativity to find gimmicky shit/innovate certain metas but he isnt that good of a caller and doesnt have much to offer once the meta becomes stale, he is a good IGL and would be a fantastic coach imo but as an igl he is overrated af and even if he was karrigan it wouldnt compensate being that bad individually

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