Ardiis Over Hated

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Let's talk, is Ardiis over-hated? I mean every time he goes live all of us become overjoyed barely able to contain our joy, jumping up and down for our king. He is top 3 VCT player of all time, and pulling his own weight in losses, being brought down by fraudulent teammates on. BLG paid off his teammates to sabotage his career because he was too highly acclaimed as a player and just like that his GOAT status was stolen. Anyways I have to go back to watching his stream I'm starting to get withdrawals.


If ur talking about pulling his own weight and is brought down by his teammates, for that his stats are pretty shit , dog shit.

LordItachi [#2]

If ur talking about pulling his own weight and is brought down by his teammates, for that his stats are pretty shit , dog shit.

Its pretty hard to pull ardiis' weight, so I can't blame him

LordItachi [#2]

If ur talking about pulling his own weight and is brought down by his teammates, for that his stats are pretty shit , dog shit.

they show his stats as lower than they were, it's all part of the agenda.

Despite what VLR tells you, he's averaged 310 ACS this year.


Let's talk, is Ardiis over-hated? I mean every time he goes live all of us become overjoyed barely able to contain our joy, jumping up and down for our king. He is top 3 VCT player of all time, and pulling his own weight in losses, being brought down by fraudulent teammates on. BLG paid off his teammates to sabotage his career because he was too highly acclaimed as a player and just like that his GOAT status was stolen. Anyways I have to go back to watching his stream I'm starting to get withdrawals

Uribaba [#5]

Let's talk, is Ardiis over-hated? I mean every time he goes live all of us become overjoyed barely able to contain our joy, jumping up and down for our king. He is top 3 VCT player of all time, and pulling his own weight in losses, being brought down by fraudulent teammates on. BLG paid off his teammates to sabotage his career because he was too highly acclaimed as a player and just like that his GOAT status was stolen. Anyways I have to go back to watching his stream I'm starting to get withdrawals

I have to say I completely agree. And all of the fat hate that comes from chat when they themselves can't see their toes when they stand. Ardiis is slim'n'fit and it terrifies the haters.


Guys lets calm down and stop the hate. Ardiss has a lot on his plate KEKW


"How to fix ardiis" he doesnt qual for lans because riot doesnt let him since hes too fat to fit on a plane without costing them millions

carbybaby [#6]

I have to say I completely agree. And all of the fat hate that comes from chat when they themselves can't see their toes when they stand. Ardiis is slim'n'fit and it terrifies the haters.

Let's talk, is Ardiis over-hated? I mean every time he goes live all of us become overjoyed barely able to contain our joy, jumping up and down for our king. He is top 3 VCT player of all time, and pulling his own weight in losses, being brought down by fraudulent teammates on. BLG paid off his teammates to sabotage his career because he was too highly acclaimed as a player and just like that his GOAT status was stolen. Anyways I have to go back to watching his stream I'm starting to get withdrawals

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