Can potter help prx to win internasional trophy?
No, they don't have good enough micro decision making for any coach to make too much of a difference in the way they play. People literally talk about how they constantly throw rounds. Also, their comps are ass because Jingg can't play stuff outside of duelist and Sage. I think the solution is to put Jingg on full time duelist and have something learn initiator preferably flash for more explosive power in their comps or jingg learn sentinel and something play sentinel on raze maps.
Manaphy [#2]No, they don't have good enough micro decision making for any coach to make too much of a difference in the way they play. People literally talk about how they constantly throw rounds. Also, their comps are ass because Jingg can't play stuff outside of duelist and Sage. I think the solution is to put Jingg on full time duelist and have something learn initiator preferably flash for more explosive power in their comps or jingg learn sentinel and something play sentinel on raze maps.
like kai and fengf HAHA
Manaphy [#2]No, they don't have good enough micro decision making for any coach to make too much of a difference in the way they play. People literally talk about how they constantly throw rounds. Also, their comps are ass because Jingg can't play stuff outside of duelist and Sage. I think the solution is to put Jingg on full time duelist and have something learn initiator preferably flash for more explosive power in their comps or jingg learn sentinel and something play sentinel on raze maps.
This whole team comp is a mess
Forsaken learning harbor instead of viper/omen
Jing playing sage instead of KJ/Cypher
Jing need to play goddamn KJ surely its not that hard ffs
Yeah sure he plays neon too now but on lotus? A map where raze is better anyway...
"Oh he tried other agents and bad with it" goddamit you are a pro player with salary. Fckn league pro player at bare minimum need to play 7 different champs and jing out here can't even add 1 more good agent to save his team ass
rajatdulal [#4]Honestly i dont think its coach issue + I think G2 vs Prx is the worst matchup for them. One team is aggressive like crazy and another is fucking so passive that the viewers literally feel asleep.
Coach should train to discipline their players, looking from their vlog & coms....i don't see Aleck can do that
hell_on_earth [#9]they literally have no igl and u think its a coach issue. no coach is gonna make a team with no igl good
thats cuz Aleks letting it be, a good coach should tell someone to be the IGL, even if that team doesn't have one someone need to be the MAIN IGL
SleepyBear [#8]Coach should train to discipline their players, looking from their vlog & coms....i don't see Aleck can do that
That is true but I mean they were always known for their W gaming playstyle so maybe they don't want to lose their originality or smtg.. Dont know haha