“Monyet for Jinggg” debunked

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the dumbest group of people vlr has ever seen even more so than the EUtards have collectively come together to say that PRX Monyet would’ve made the team better than Jinggg.

The same Monyet that averaged a double negative scoreline from the start of Kick Off to their end in Madrid (which was by far the easiest level of competition this year). Literally has never went positive once.

When will you dumbasses learn that Monyet would not only make the team significantly worse, but he would also make himself as a player significantly worse too by being on a team that forces him to play Jinggg’s role he clearly was never good at over smokes which is his main fucking role?

PRX Monyet wouldn’t even see champs this year, PRX are ass because they’ve already peaked last year. If Jinggg needs to go then so do mindfraud and f0reskin




Trash vs Dogshit

vooooooooooooooooooooooop [#3]

Trash vs Dogshit

true! APAC speds refuse to believe that their team is just mid, and they somehow wanna make it worse by ruining Monyet once again


Ur clearly understood it wrong my friend. With Jing PRX is stuck on a few comps and cant change their core gameplay plan, because he only plays raze, neon and sage. He also often said he wont change his agent pool. That makes PRX much worse. Something is one of the best with the Op, so he has so play Jett on Jett maps, so because of Jing they have to play Double Duelist. This is often the reason why they play so chaotic. Monyets agent pool is way better. He also plays initiator, so on Raze maps he would go Raze and on Jett maps he could go initiator. That would allow PRX to change their core gameplan which would be important imo. Every team knows how to counter PRX, because they are playing the same over and over again because of Jings agent pool.

yumfps [#5]

Ur clearly understood it wrong my friend. With Jing PRX is stuck on a few comps and cant change their core gameplay plan, because he only plays raze, neon and sage. He also often said he wont change his agent pool. That makes PRX much worse. Something is one of the best with the Op, so he has so play Jett on Jett maps, so because of Jing they have to play Double Duelist. This is often the reason why they play so chaotic. Monyets agent pool is way better. He also plays initiator, so on Raze maps he would go Raze and on Jett maps he could go initiator. That would allow PRX to change their core gameplan which would be important imo. Every team knows how to counter PRX, because they are playing the same over and over again because of Jings agent pool.

Such a 0 iq take.

True , with monyet they could expand their comms but with monyet , regardless of the comms it's literally 4 v 5 for almost all the games LMAO

0.83 Pacific Kickoff
0.89 madrid

Don't be delulu please, monyet can only perform CONSISTENTLY when he against Tier 2 teams

yumfps [#5]

Ur clearly understood it wrong my friend. With Jing PRX is stuck on a few comps and cant change their core gameplay plan, because he only plays raze, neon and sage. He also often said he wont change his agent pool. That makes PRX much worse. Something is one of the best with the Op, so he has so play Jett on Jett maps, so because of Jing they have to play Double Duelist. This is often the reason why they play so chaotic. Monyets agent pool is way better. He also plays initiator, so on Raze maps he would go Raze and on Jett maps he could go initiator. That would allow PRX to change their core gameplan which would be important imo. Every team knows how to counter PRX, because they are playing the same over and over again because of Jings agent pool.

you really think monyet can run the raze? keep him in controller jail dont let him touch raze

yumfps [#5]

Ur clearly understood it wrong my friend. With Jing PRX is stuck on a few comps and cant change their core gameplay plan, because he only plays raze, neon and sage. He also often said he wont change his agent pool. That makes PRX much worse. Something is one of the best with the Op, so he has so play Jett on Jett maps, so because of Jing they have to play Double Duelist. This is often the reason why they play so chaotic. Monyets agent pool is way better. He also plays initiator, so on Raze maps he would go Raze and on Jett maps he could go initiator. That would allow PRX to change their core gameplan which would be important imo. Every team knows how to counter PRX, because they are playing the same over and over again because of Jings agent pool.

I can’t believe this genuinely dumb as fuck argument is actually agreed upon you people. Does your dumbass actually think PRX would let him be flexing as much as you think he will? Did you forget his time on PRX already?

What’s so funny is that PRX would be so much better if mindfreak got replaced by Monyet instead.

stellaresca [#7]

you really think monyet can run the raze? keep him in controller jail dont let him touch raze

your indonesian, have you never seen him playing raze all the time in indonesia scene before GE picked him up?

stellaresca [#7]

you really think monyet can run the raze? keep him in controller jail dont let him touch raze


He can't perform consistently against Tier 1 team regardless if he is playing duelist or controller. And he was originally WELL KNOWN for playing DUELIST btw

Angry [#9]

your indonesian, have you never seen him playing raze all the time in indonesia scene before GE picked him up?

average sentinels fans dude, just let him barking because sentinels wont qualify to playoff

Angry [#9]

your indonesian, have you never seen him playing raze all the time in indonesia scene before GE picked him up?

i dont watch tier 2 under i dont have time for it, i also dont really care about regional pride

jenaissante [#11]

average sentinels fans dude, just let him barking because sentinels wont qualify to playoff

sen might get grouped but i dont see why its related to this 🗿

stellaresca [#7]

you really think monyet can run the raze? keep him in controller jail dont let him touch raze

dude he was indonesian best duelist just behind f0rsaken when he's still active on that role

what are you waffling about?


i don't think monyet is any better than jinggg, at least they are equal mechanically, but monyet applied so much potential with the current meta and map rotation than jinggg does.


people who start watching monyet in 2023/2024 thinks that his main role was a smoker smh dude is a crazy duelist when he's still with onic until that God awful team GE forced him to be a controller just to give the duelist spot to skrossi ffs

Marcusgeez [#16]

people who start watching monyet in 2023/2024 thinks that his main role was a smoker smh dude is a crazy duelist when he's still with onic until that God awful team GE forced him to be a controller just to give the duelist spot to skrossi ffs

he was literally, the 2nd best controller in APAC, when he was on GE. His career fucking peaked on smokes. Oh my god you people are too stupid I can’t believe it.


with monyet on the team, all 4 players need to lock tf in. Now they have j0nggg and think they can win easily, but it turns out j0nggg can't live up to their expectations (yet). Even though they won Split 1, they're coming into this event as APAC 3rd.

amovie [#8]

I can’t believe this genuinely dumb as fuck argument is actually agreed upon you people. Does your dumbass actually think PRX would let him be flexing as much as you think he will? Did you forget his time on PRX already?

What’s so funny is that PRX would be so much better if mindfreak got replaced by Monyet instead.

aight u real stupid as well

Marcusgeez [#16]

people who start watching monyet in 2023/2024 thinks that his main role was a smoker smh dude is a crazy duelist when he's still with onic until that God awful team GE forced him to be a controller just to give the duelist spot to skrossi ffs


he diffed fucking mako on controller bro, sure he was a demon on duelist but his controller was so good

amovie [#8]

I can’t believe this genuinely dumb as fuck argument is actually agreed upon you people. Does your dumbass actually think PRX would let him be flexing as much as you think he will? Did you forget his time on PRX already?

What’s so funny is that PRX would be so much better if mindfreak got replaced by Monyet instead.

What? Mindfreak??? Even Alecks said they are stuck at a few comps and they cant change bevause of Jing. Its clear that they want to change, but just cant. With Monyet they could. Btw im not saying Jing needs to go or anything, if he would learn some other Agents and Roles, he would be fine.


monyet joined a team with a weird ass playstyle and fully embraced it and became the team's bitch.
Alexcs you need to me to play this random agent to make a comp work?
sure I ll do it!
s0mething cant entry because he is attakc oping?
sure i ll dry swing top get traded!
we need someone to play here to waste time and bait out util!
sure just tell me where!
guys they tapped spike we need somebody to run in and face check if he is still defusing!

Monyet was doing the majority of the dirty work whihc made him look much worse but his impact was pretty solid. a 0.9 kd at madrid wasnt horrible taking into account all the tiems he got traded, created space etc. its not like he was getting owned in fair 1v1s

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